Dj-Javixxxxx has been giving odd ratings. he took off points on my "wildekat" because he didnt like the color!! (its wood, i made it wood-colored) he also takes off points when you dont have breaks before launches. he says its a saftey issue but on real rides like dragster, volcano, hulk etc there are no breaks before the launches so it isnt a saftey thing. also, he took off points on a ride...i forget wich one but he took off points because it had friction wheels going more than 30 km/hour. wich is totally pointless because the incredible hulk has a friction wheel launch and that goes 40 MILES per hour, over two times faster! i've sent messages to him many times about his ratings and he just doesnt seem to understand that everything he takes points off for, you can do in real life! its getting annoying. thanks for any help!
You know, you can provide us with links to the tracks you are referring to, then we can solve this matter. I cannot guess on the links. I understand what you're saying and want to find these.
Personaly, i think Djavixxxx is actualy a good rater. He actualy rates realisticly, like proper realisticly and i much rather get a straight 5 rating from him then get straight 10's from another guy. Also TTD does have brakes before the launch and i beleive so does Hulk, V;TBC is different as it has 2 LIMs but whatever
Hey coaster992001, i'm not complaining about you. Just i rate your tracks what i think i must rate . Wheels CAN'T Work more than 30km/h , just i ask to a member staff called G Force Addict, and he tell me that. Also he says that Hulk uses a "Catapoult Launch" , just a different kind of launch.
Abbout your widdecat, i say about colour, but i don't rest some points for that. I think rates are ok, and i dont think that they're must deleted. WWS ask for GFA about the wheels if you don't believe me
hulk uses wheel launch, not catapult, xcelerator uses catapult. GFA is not a real life coaster dev. Rather get the facts straight before downraing on something you don't know javixxx