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Her0ofLime's many Six Flags Over Georgia trip reports

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Posts: 325
Points on hand: 4,748.89 Points
Location: the only one here by SFOG lol
So considering i'm hopefully/probably going to Six Flags a lot more this year than last year and i'm generally going to be going to Six Flags a lot, I figured instead of spamming up the board I would stuff them all here!

Next Trip: some random weekend


Trip Report: 3/13/16/ - Opening Weekend

Excuse the small amount of photos and the fact that they're vertical, wasn't entirely planning on doing a trip report.
In any case, today, everything was pretty awful. 1 train on pretty much everything, even with hour long waits. It would have been a way better day if they just bothered to put another train on some of the coasters. The day started with going to Goliath, which actually had a pretty reasonable wait with 1 train. Then we headed down to Mindbender and Batman, both made sense at that time to be running one train, so I was pretty hopeful for the rest of the day. Didn't go straight to New Revolution because of the terrible, terrible operations on it running through about 40 pph. Barely saw a train running on it throughout the day. Heard that from the bottom of the stairs it was 2 hours and it was farther than that so nah. Then we rode Cyclone, which had an unusually long wait time. They were still running one train, and at this point it was getting to be peak time. We decided to go ahead with riding it. The wooden coasters have always had a bee problem that is pretty much never going to be fixed with the GA weather. This year it was spectacularly worse. Being stuck on bee infested stairs while it takes the ops 5 minutes to dispatch the only train is torture. We decided to take a break from riding things and check out the new area, Bugs Bunny Boomtown. Around this time the sun starting blaring down. Beforehand, the area was very shaded with lots of trees and buildings to keep the sun out. Now, it reminds me of Movietown at SFGAdv. So very much concrete. So very little shade. I'm happy about the change because the old area was getting a little dated/ghetto af, but getting sunburn in spring does not give a good outlook for summer. Didn't want to take pictures because most of my time was spent trying to

A: get out because the shortcut is currently a pile of dirt and construction equipment
B: find the nearest source of shade
C: avoid countless many very large bees
D: not bump into children because i'm tall and oblivious to my surroundings


After that experience, I alone went to the back of the park to scout while the rest of the group stayed at SkyScreamer. Let me tell you, with Six Flags ops, standing in the GASM line is the most frustrating thing in the world. Bees, so many bees, and somehow GASM always gets the laziest ops in the whole park, leaving you like, "Cmon, you could've checked those restraints in so much less time if you did x!" or "Do you really need to do y?". This is with 2 trains. Today, the line went out to where it usually would go to, but with 1 train. HAHAHA NOPE. Walked over to Superman with really low expectations. Somehow, they managed to not exceed them. A 2 hour wait with 2 trains now has 1 train. After spending time walking around aimlessly texting people about how stupid this is (cc skype chat knew about it the day of), I noticed the GASM line had shortened. They finally found out that using 2 trains was a good idea. I rode GASM, and it hurrrrrt. Did I mention they were assigning seats? I couldn't get the magic seat on any of the rides. Ouch. Skipped Superman because they were dispatching it once every 4 minutes. GG. Met up with the group. About this time we were planning our last few rides before we went home. Log Jamboree then Scorcher then Goliath again. That's all I really need to say at this point.
Anyways pictures.


Finally got to ride Batman in the front row this time. Was neato.


Also rode Jimmy Reid's Fun Circle. Not as excitingly dangerous as the fair ones.


Goliath lookin' all purty.


Superman's line looking like complete trash to stand in.


Not included in picture: countless bees


They got what they deserved though. That's like, a dollar in ink. Anyone trading maps hit me up.

EDIT: No, I don't know why the photos are sideways. Yes, I am too lazy to fix it.
EDIT: Rotating in Paint wouldn't work because they're right side up in my files, but I found a relatively easy fix that let me cut out peoples heads/feet without putting much work into it.
Last edited by Dev-Con on April 10th, 2016, 8:58 am, edited 6 times in total.
Mind Bender at SFOG is pretty great
Check out my WIP thread
Currently working on Thunderbolt, a second generation Schwarzkoph.

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I hope you had fun walking through the herds of white trash
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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Is it so hard to rotate an image 90 degrees in Paint?

Also Cedar Fair master race running mostly two trains minimum at all times.
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

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Check this out as well - SFOG's hidden thrill factor though it tends to be considered "kiddie"! :D

Now the ride name is "Joker Funhouse Coaster".
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Posts: 325
Points on hand: 4,748.89 Points
Location: the only one here by SFOG lol
^ That area was a pile of dirt when I went, and Canyon Blaster/Joker's Funhouse was still blue. All signs point to me going on Thursday so we'll see then if it has remained that way.

EDIT: on the way there right now lmao
Mind Bender at SFOG is pretty great
Check out my WIP thread
Currently working on Thunderbolt, a second generation Schwarzkoph.

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Location: the only one here by SFOG lol
Trip Report: 4/7/16 - Spring Break
Well the employees got their stuff together. Operations were good and two trains or more on every coaster. Unfortunately because it was spring break and we had very limited time the park was crowded and we were unable to ride much. Visit was still much less frustrating since there was really nothing that was out of our control causing the crowds and I knew i'd be back pretty soon. The Joker's Construction Coaster at the new Pile-of-Dirt kids area has been painted green in the easy-to-get-to areas and is still blue in most of the off-ground parts. Water rides open early this season, being the only rides with no lines. Best new addition of 2016 so far is the Freestyle location over Thunder River lmao. We got our free refill all season cups for the year and cost Six Flags about 40 bucks in profits making terrible, terrible, things that probably gave me diabetes three times over. Definitely worth it since drinks are now four-fucking-fifty. Blue Ninja is a little more than halfway done. The blue is really growing on me, and SFOG confirmed that there will be new restraints, so i'm pretty hyped.


Told you so. Could have taken better pictures but my phone wanted to spite me.




Ninja looking better than ever. Looking at it made me really see how faded the red was getting.


RIP Choo Choo Train Land. Luckily because we already have two Joker-themed rides and a Batman clone they're going to have to come up with a new theme for our free-fly.
Mind Bender at SFOG is pretty great
Check out my WIP thread
Currently working on Thunderbolt, a second generation Schwarzkoph.

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