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Worst and Best Coaster Names

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Post January 19th, 2004, 2:04 am

Posts: 1275
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Location: Bay Area, CA

Worst names on my list:
-Batman: The Ride (Overused name...kinda plain)
-Superman: The escape (from what???)
-Hundeprut(Translation: Dog Fart)
-Crazy Flying Coaster (sounds kinda generic)
-Viper (Six Flags generic name when out of ideas)

Best names:
-V2: Vertical Velocity

Well, post your worst/best ride names!

Post January 19th, 2004, 6:19 am

Posts: 1620
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best names: valhalla (i know, its not a coaster)
g'sengte sau
the boss

worst names: batman (over used)
superman (over used)
viper( over used)
cyclone, thunderbolt, flashback, corkscrew, wildcat etc..all over used

Post January 19th, 2004, 1:23 pm

Posts: 361
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Location: Cleveland, Richmond Heights, OH, USA

worst names:
double loop
Mind Eraser\Serial Thriller (over-used)

Best names:
The Villain
Raging Wolf Bobs[lol]

Post January 19th, 2004, 2:17 pm

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Post January 26th, 2004, 2:47 pm

Posts: 72
Points on hand: 3,512.00 Points
Location: Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Best names: Nemesis,The boss, Villian ,x, Xcellerator , ghostrider...
Worst names: Colossus,Viper ,Scream ,Anything like Samuri, Ninja or super hero names like that...

Post January 26th, 2004, 3:35 pm

Posts: 1536
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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

worst names- superman(overused)

best names- vortex
mighty canadien mine buster(100% canadien)

Post January 26th, 2004, 4:02 pm

Posts: 4533
Points on hand: 3,318.00 Points
Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Best: Nemesis, Oblivion, Valhalla, Grand National, Apollos Chairot, Talon: The Grip Of Fear

Middlish: Journey To Atlantis, Dragons Fury, AIR, Colossus, Dueling Dragons

Worst: Top Thrill Dragster, Millenium Force/Coaster, Golden Lion, Spinball Wizzer

Post January 26th, 2004, 4:17 pm

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

Best - Phoenix, GhostRider, Valhalla, Nemesis, Oblivion, Tremors, The Legend, Cyclone, Goliath, Predator

Worst - Roller Coaster, Top Thrill Dragster, X, Superman, Batman, Mantis, Corkscrew

Post January 27th, 2004, 1:12 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Best names:
everything at alton towers :) (i'm not biased ;) ) lol.

Worst names:
X : No way out
X speed, you get the idea, lol.

Post January 27th, 2004, 1:46 pm

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Post January 27th, 2004, 2:26 pm
Kev True Addicts
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I usually don't care much about coaster names, but I'll give my opinions anyway. [:D]

Judge Roy Scream

Most of CP's coaster names (excepting Raptor)
Expedition G-force
Thunder Dolphin
Most of the overused names (excepting Shockwave, which I still think is sort of cool).

Post January 27th, 2004, 4:10 pm
Oscar User avatar
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pepsi max big one [lol], coaster, roller coaster, mamba, superman, top thrill dragster, Millenium Force, blue streak, Mantis what kev said, all of cp's coasters except Raptor, AIR.

goliath, riddlers revenge, Xcelerator, Raptor, Nemesis, Nemesis Inferno, Tremor

Post January 27th, 2004, 4:12 pm

Posts: 484
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Location: USA
Best Name - Nemesis, Oblivion, Goliath, Apollos Chariot, Ghostrider.

Worst Names - All the superheros names, Corckscrew, Rollercoaster, Zach's Zoomer, Double Loop.

Post January 27th, 2004, 6:44 pm

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i dont really care about coaster names, i just ride the coasters[pshades]

but if i had to pick a good name they'd be

apollo's chariot
-achually all of BGW and BGT names are good
crystal beach cyclone
raging bull
steel phantom
iron wolf
storm runner
steel dragon 2000 (i dont like the 2000 but the name's neat)

bad names
anything that's based on a movie/cartoon/superhero

Post January 27th, 2004, 6:56 pm

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

The Crystal Beach Cyclone was just named "Cyclone" [;)]

Post January 31st, 2004, 1:12 am

Posts: 868
Points on hand: 4,391.00 Points
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Best: The Beast, Flight of Fear, Mean Streak, Riddler's Revenge

Worst: Anytime a park reuse a name for another coaster, Son of Beast

Post February 1st, 2004, 1:52 am

Posts: 342
Points on hand: 5,840.00 Points
Location: New Jersey, NJ, USA
Worst Name: "Star Jet" (replaced the Schwarzkopf Jets Star in Seaside, NJ)

Best Name: "Linear Gale"

WORST FLATRIDE NAME EVER: "Bus" (I am not kidding, theres a flatride called Bus out there lol)

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