I am looking for portable funfair coasters that have very compact layouts and are like Schwarzkopf 2,3,4 looping coaster, Jumbo Jet coaster, Flitzer coasters, and Pinfari looping coasters that travel the fairgrounds. I want to add them to this park of only portable coasters.
Here is all the best portable coasters that I could find to put in NL2.
Does anyone have any funfair coasters that they can let me have to add to this park? I have downloaded all the best portable coasters that I can find on coastercrazy and nl exchange. Many are very old NL1 tracks from over a decade ago. Many are from Coastercrazy and a bunch from NL Exchange. I have not uploaded this park yet since i have yet to give credit to all the coaster creators. Some of which i might not be able to contact since they made these coasters from like before 2005. I will give you the full credit for your coaster if you send me your portable coaster.