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Intamin Is Generally Considered Glass Smooth, But...

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This one is apparently a knockoff. The coaster name was "Vertigorama". Wow I didn't know that they had such a track type. It was closed in 1983 and one of Argentina old tracks.

... OMGosh... :shock:

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Yeah in their early days they made ultra forceless rides (see American Eagle).

As far as roughness goes I have a hypothesis that all companies occasionally will produce a "dud" ride that's assembled wrong from day one with trains built with bad steel, a severely worn die, something like that. B&M has/had Mantis and Scream, which vibrated like hell for no reason. I've never been on Scream but I heard it does that, and logic would dictate that if Scream maintenance was total ass then the other B&Ms at the same park would be ass too and they aren't.

Intamin has Kingda Ka, etc.
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It may also have to do with the fact that (according to RCDB) Giovanola was subcontracted. They could have done the crappy track design or crappy track manufacturing or crappy trains. No evidence for this though.

Unrelated, IMO Scream wasn't rough. A rough B&M I can think of off the top of my head is Hydra.
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Yeah I was honestly shocked by the Rougarou conversion because that ride's supports shake all over the place unlike Raging Bull's, so I figured it was the train bouncing around on the track because the track was vibrating. Turns out the trains were just total ass.
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