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Indiana Beach to Add new Larson Loop for 2016!

Theme Park Construction And News Forum

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According to Screamscape, and Amusement Today, the park is adding a Larson Looping "coaster"for the 2016 season. ... g-coaster/

Monticello, IN ??? April 12, 2016 Indiana Beach, Indiana???s Favorite Boardwalk Resort, will kick off its upcoming 90th Anniversary season with the addition of a looping-reversing coaster called Zero G.

Manufactured by Texas-based Larson International, the single loop coaster stands 5 stories high and can accommodate 20 riders at one time. Zero G will be placed on Indiana Beach???s classic Boardwalk Funway.

???Indiana Beach is excited to have this new ride added to our line-up of six rollercoasters and other thrill attractions???, said John Collins Indiana Beach Boardwalk Resorts General Manager. ???With all the park improvements and upgrades being completed in preparation for Indiana Beach???s 90th anniversary season, adding a ride as thrilling as Zero G is icing on the cake??? Collins stated.

The ???Larson Loop??? coaster builds riders??? anticipation as it rocks back and forth before looping 360 degrees, pausing briefly to suspend riders upside down. The ride is scheduled to be open at the start of the 2016 season.

About Indiana Beach Boardwalk Resort
Indiana Beach is located in Monticello, Indiana on Lake Shafer. The resort was founded in 1926 and purchased by Apex Parks Group in September 2015. The resort features a Boardwalk Funway, seven roller coasters, 45 rides, the Shafer Queen Paddlewheel boat, two campgrounds, rental accommodations, and an on-property hotel. Ideal Beach, the water park, includes the original swimming pool with sand beach, water slides, an action river, and kid???s spray area.

About Apex Parks Group
Apex is a privately held company based in Aliso Viejo, California with 13 Family Entertainment Centers, 2 Water Parks, and 1 Amusement Park Resort in California, Texas, Florida, New Jersey, and Indiana. Apex Parks Group is currently one of the largest owners of Family Entertainment Centers in the United States. Apex Parks was founded in 2014 to acquire and operate best-in-class out-of-home entertainment assets and is committed to excellence, to the communities they serve, and to delivering value that exceeds expectation.
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At least it's a new flat ride!
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For a park like Indiana Beach that's been neglected in the recent past, this looks like a solid addition.

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Larson Loop does fit in with a group of quality flats at each small but actually thrill-seeking park. :)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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