Visit #14 - June 10, 2016I arrived at the park and parked my car before 10am, with the entrance gates opening at 10:15am. The first ride I got in line for was The Joker. Before the ride opened, a large crowd came by to get on it, and the Joker didn't open until around 10:43am. I got my ride, then headed for a different ride. Here's a pic of the line 15 minutes before the Joker opened.

My next ride was on the safari, which was a walk on as it was still after the park opened for the day. Just like the previous times I've went on the safari, I had a good time. Camp Aventura wasn't opened during my ride, but I hope the next time I ride it, I'll be able to stop there. After the safari, I got on the Log Flume, which was a walk on. I noticed that it was open while walking to the safari, so I decided to take the risk of getting drenched and ride it. While I only got sprinkled, I still had fun.

El Toro was my next ride, and I rode it twice, mainly due to short lines. I then headed for Kingda Ka, but when I got on line, the wait looked long, so I decided to get on Zumanjaro instead, which I rode three times. Before my third ride, Zumanjaro broke down for about 10 minutes, but the breakdown wasn't too big of a problem, as the ride reopened after the fault was quickly fixed and a test run was conducted.

I then took a walk across the park to ride the SkyScreamer, which had a short wait. This was followed by the Dark Knight, which had a 10 minute wait. The preshow wasn't running when I was in line for it. After the Dark Knight, I headed for Congo Rapids, which had a 10 minute wait. My ride on Congo Rapids was fun, even though I didn't really get wet. The only thing from me that got damp were my shoes. I then left the park before 2:30pm.

Total ride count:
The Joker: x1
Safari: x1
Log Flume: x1
El Toro: x2
Zumanjaro: x3
SkyScreamer: x1
Dark Knight: x1
Congo Rapids: x1
Before I conclude this report, I'd like to mention this. While getting my rides on Zumanjaro, the Flash Pass employee there recognized me from these reports that I've been making, which is very awesome to know. I really did appreciated it. Also, while I was on one of my rides on Zumanjaro, the guests who were on the same gondola as me recognized me from when I used to work at the park. Even with my hair now longer than how it was during my time as a Six Flags employee, it's amazing that a couple of guests can remember my face. It's completely amazing.
Just like my previous visits recently, school trips are still visiting the park. The school year in New Jersey should be ending soon, and maybe within the next couple of weeks, the summer crowds will kick in. With the Joker still being new, people would want a ride on it, and a long line will happen before the ride even opens. Plus, a security officer has been at the Joker since its official opening in the morning before it opens for the day to remind the crowds about the ride policies and to control the line. Getting to the park early is always the biggest plus to a good day, and the best way to get on the first rides of the day for the Joker. Always remember to get to the park early. I'm not sure how the line for the Joker is after the large crowds die down, but always check with it if you plan on riding it if you're still at the park in the afternoon. I haven't stayed at the park all day yet, but once I find the time to do that later in the summer, I'll definitely do that. As always, I aim to visit again next week.