Good things about my visit:
- Park looks really clean and tidy and really upkept
- The two newest coasters where running GREAT, and T3 and Thunder Run where running good to, but T3 was a little painful.
Bad things

-Poor quality of service overall throughout the park, especially to keep lines moving as quick as possible
-Every coaster (except Thunder Run) was one train operation......

My thoughts on the coasters

-Storm Chaser:
HOLY POOP this ride is insane! (insane is an UNDERSTATEMENT), Love the ejector airtime and everything. Although I have only rode one RMC, im falling in love with them

-Lightning Run:
Basically the same thing i said about Storm Chaser can be said here, although i waited 30 minutes for a ride on this.................. BUT loved the ejector airtime and outer banked turns.
-Thunder Run:
GREAT woodie for this park, I felt it was running really smooth and fast paced.
Great layout but not a fun ride as i felt alot of rattle and jerkiness, but then again, this was my first SLC ever.
-Roller Skater:
Amazing coaster to start little kids off on.
My time was limited, and i was going to go around and take more pictures and shoot some more offride footage of Storm chaser and Thunder run, but while in the waterpark, some @$$ hole decided " hey this green bag looks nice" and walked off with it, and we spent a good two hours looking for it. Thankfully and would like to praise the park's security staff, our bag was found with nothing missing out of it, and I retrieved my phone and camera. ALSO, i did tackle the Tallest body slide in north america and it was NERVE RACKING. Anyways enough blabbing heres some offride footage and pictures! (Camera has okay quality for videos)