I didn't half ass it.
It was a noice meme.
But it wasn't what I was looking for in a contest submission. You ride was made intentionally kind of bad, and that's what makes you so... you! But here we were judging for realism, how well your trackwork was made, all that stuff. Your trackwork was again, intentionally kinda bad and as such it scored badly. The supports were mostly, if not all prefabs and the coaster style just did not work with the intensity your coaster was made with. The layout was made well, and I think it'd work as maybe an RMC or a very new gen Vekoma, ala Lech Coaster. I really liked your cutback inclusion and scenery as well. I hope this was a better review, I was just making a little joke in my results. Sorry about that .-.
PS: You wanted last place anyways, no? Wish granted?

Ok but how desperate you have to be to voluntarily fly from another country to go to Thorpe?