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Italy Trip Report

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post August 11th, 2016, 8:44 am
Coasternews User avatar
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Hello Everyone,

During my holiday this summer I went on a road trip to italy to visit a couple of parks there. I had already been to Gardaland and Movieland before but Mirabilandia, Rainbow Magicland and Cinecitta world were new for me.

On the first day we did Gardaland but since we would be there again in a week I decided to make the pictures next week and just have fun this day without worrying about the pictures. Next up was Movieland Studios just next to Gardaland. Movieland is a great little park with a couple of unique and crazy attractions. I didn't make a lot of pictures this day but there are also some videos.

The first thing you see when you enter the park is Diabolik so we decided to head there right as we entered the park. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures but there is an onride video.

Next up is The Hollywood Tower an Intamin first gen drop tower which still runs great.
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It could use some fresh paint.
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And some love for the Movieland Logo.
And we have a video.

Then we head to the masterpiece of the park Magma 2.1 No clue where the .1 stands for since I don't see any difference with the last time I rode it a couple of years ago.
2016-07-27 15.57.11.jpg

And a video.

When we got out of Magma we noticed that Terminator was about to start it's next round and we headed there.
2016-04-30 15.22.26.jpg

Terminator has been converted to a shooting game instead of the old show they used to have. While I do like the unique look of the shooting elements I do mis the old 5d show they used to have.
Next up it was time to get on board on another crazy attraction of Movieland KITT Superjet a large speedboat that soars around the Rambo stage.
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The Monorail was a good way to get a look at the stage unfortunately no boats where going around at this time.

Then we head to another unique attraction U571 a submarine simulator in which you can get soaked fortunately the weather was nice so we decided to try it out. After a preshow you head into the submarine which then tries to avoid attacks from airplanes and all kind of pipes start to break and spray water over everyone.
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From the Monorail it is easy to see how the submarine looks from the outside.
And it is good to get some nice shot's from Magma.
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Then we head to the final part of the park for the last credit I still need.
The Brontojet.
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It is great to see that a Schwarzkopf Jetstar has been preserved they are great coasters to do be aware of the last turn.

This part of the park has greatly improved since the last time I was here it now got a Flintstones theme instead of a plain field with some attractions.
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The Ocktupus is always nice to do between attractions.

The Troncosaurus was a nice way to cool off and wash you clothes since there was a lot of soap in the water.

Then we head back to the entrance but before we head out we make some last pictures of the torture machine Tomb Raider I am not doing this thing again.
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Next up is Mirabilandia I am lookint forward to this park since I heard a lot about it.
See you all next time in Mirabilandia.
Last edited by Coasternews on August 11th, 2016, 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post August 11th, 2016, 10:59 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Neat trip report! I always forget how this park is like a little mini Universal Studios
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post August 11th, 2016, 4:16 pm

Posts: 844
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Location: Milan, Italy

Hi Coasternews,glad to see you visiting my country ;)

Waiting for your report from Mirabilandia.
The park has just 2 main rollercoasters (Katun - B&M inverted and I-Speed - Intamin launch) that sure worth a visit but I think you will agree with me that this place has a huuuuuge potential that is not exploited at all.

Anyway........HAVE FUN!!!!! :P

Post August 17th, 2016, 3:54 am

Posts: 8144
Points on hand: 13,506.00 Points
Yeah, Universal Studios: Flora and Fauna. :)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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