Here is my "first park", it currently is home to an Arrow looper, Arrow suspended coaster, two log flumes, numerous flats, and a small family coaster. I plan on adding a big woodie, B&M invert, and hopefully a bobsled if it doesn't look too stupid. The park takes obvious cues from SFGAm and CP, and I'm not brave enough to experiment with different colored roofs/walls yet. The park is currently a stumpy "U" layout, I plan to make a circle and make the train more involved eventually.

Train station (center), family coaster, and the beginnings of other areas:

"Back Area" of the park with another train station and an Arrow ride bonzanza:

Log flumes and the suspended coaster. The flumes drop towards each other like the SFGAm ones:

Corkscrew area:

I've been having population surges and die-offs, I'm currently in the middle of a die-off while taking these pics. The park has had 1700 people in it lol. Also the train has 0 excitement rating so I can't charge for it

Thanks for looking!