Turbo wrote:
Welcome to the site Amuze! Interesting, Idk what they'll do with the names. There are a lot of possibilities out there and after going to Liseberg I can say I'll be happy with almost any result they decide on!

The latest video says "the battle begins" with an animation of Balder breaking down, and it all seems to make sense now with the arrow in the earlier teaser. In the mythology Loke (Loki) tricked H??der, Balders blind brother, to kill Balder with an arrow.
Liseberg is great, but i'd like to see them putting more effort in connecting different rides by themes. For example, i like how they worked with the look of Hang-Hai but the theme really doesn't make much sense if it's randomly placed as it is today, and not in a bigger area of adventure-themed attractions. That's why i think it'll be great if Liseberg rethemed the area around Balder to create a small world of nordic mythology.
Off topic: Do you discuss a lot of flat rides and such on Coaster Crazy too, or is it mainly coasters?