Kennywood's Log Jammer To Take Final Drops
Log flume ride to be retired at end of 2017 Summer Season to make room for future
WEST MIFFLIN--As Kennywood's 2017 Summer Season winds down and we look ahead to 2018, we've come to a very hard decision: the Log Jammer will retire at the end of this season.
To celebrate 42 years of our favorite logs, Kennywood invites friends, families and Pittsburgh visitors to enjoy one last ride down the 53-foot drop chute before the summer season comes to an end on September 17.
While we know that the Log Jammer is a beloved ride for many of our guests and has been for us as well, we're looking forward to exploring exciting new developments in that corner of the park in future seas
"It is a bittersweet decision, but one that in time will create some exciting opportunities for our guests," says Kennywood General Manager Jerome Gibas. "While no final decisions have been made regarding what will replace the Log Jammer, Kennywood is committed to enhancing our guests' experiences while preserving our signature balance of modern thrills and traditional family favorites."
The Log Jammer debuted at Kennywood in 1975 as the park's first million-dollar attraction. The site of the Jammer was previously home to attractions including the Kangaroo, Loop-O-Plane, Bayern Kurve, a Ferris Wheel, and, from 1930 until 1974, a pony track.
SourceWell there goes the only spillway drop in the world. It's always sad to see a log flume go, but this does open up the possibility of a new coaster that uses the ravine.