Welcome all to the 2016 CC Quarterly Contest! It is a little later than expected, but expect the next ones to start on time! For this challenge, Cedar Point has contracted you to design a potential layout for an RMC refurbishment of Mean Streak. However, there are a couple rules that must be followed.

- Green - Station
Blue - Lift
Red - Track and supports
Orange - Extra support room
- -The station and lift (or launch) MUST be within the designated areas. The station must be in the green zone, and the lift in the blue.
-All track MUST be within the red zone (other than the turn out of the station into the lift).
-Since more supports may be needed for stability, supports MUST lie within either the red or both the red and orange zone.
-The ride MUST run a minimum of three trains each with at least six cars in order to keep up with capacity demands.
-The ride MUST have a storage system of some sort that MUST accommodate all but one of the trains. The storage does not have to be functional in NL2 but must be a functional system in real life. If you make a new type of storage system, you may provide an explanation on how it works to help the judges understand it better.
-All of the ride's structure MUST be utilized. While support elevations can be altered, the ride must use all of Mean Streak's original structure. You cannot simply take out a section of the ride.
-The ride MUST have good pacing and cannot have any valley prone areas due to winds.
-The park has stated that there MUST be a photo opportunity on one area of the ride so they can sell photos at the exit area. Extract the package and look into the folder to find the included camera file. It will be a .DAE file.
-The ride MUST have at least one unique, world's first element. This does not include height, speed, steepness, or drop records.
-There MUST be at least one tunnel at any point in the ride.
-A mid-course break run is not necessary, but keep capacity in mind.
-Any extra 3D's, while not necessary, are greatly appreciated to help with theming ideas.
Here is a POV of Mean Streak to help you with your layout:
Here is a tutorial of RMC rails and textures. The description includes downloads for trains and textures.
Here is a tutorial of RMC inversion supports.
The template has been included below. Please give huge thanks to Matt (mkingy) for making it on such short notice. All submissions are due in exactly ONE MONTH from tomorrow (November 9th at no later than 11:59 PM EST). All are welcome to participate and we encourage everyone to join. If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to PM me. If you feel the question asked can benefit everyone in the contest, feel free to post in this thread. Extensions will only be granted if the situation is urgent, if many people cannot finish in time the deadline will be extended. Have fun everyone!
Curveball Template (not required):
- Imagineer Josh