By far, the best operations I've seen were on Fury 325 back in May. Once the train was parked in the station, they opened the gates and the operators would yell "Go, Go, Go" at the guests to get in and sit down. A lot of the time, they had the train loaded and ready to dispatch before the train cleared the lift. The loading screen in the station consistently showed them hitting at least 40 dispatches per hour. Wish more ride crews could be like Fury's.
Cedar Point had excellent operations on all of their coasters, but the best crew was definitely Gatekeeper. They were rushing to check restraints and got the trains through was very little stacking. Almost as efficient as the Fury crew mentioned above.
On the whole, Dollywood had very good operations on most of their rides. One that really stood out was the Thunderhead crew, they were able to dispatch the train before the other train reached the brake run. For comparison, I've never seen the Renegade crew at VF run two trains without stacking the second train.