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Post November 14th, 2016, 5:33 am

Posts: 8144
Points on hand: 13,506.00 Points
His dangerous Alvey had to take a long nap and prepared for XLC

*XLC = Xtreme Launch Coaster.
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Post November 17th, 2016, 4:42 am

Posts: 216
Points on hand: 3,149.00 Points
Location: USA

My dangerous Alvey had to take a long nap and prepare for XLC
Coaster count: 28 1. Fury 325 2. Twisted Cyclone 3. Goliath (sfog) 4. Intimidator 5. Afterburn

Post November 17th, 2016, 6:10 am

Posts: 8144
Points on hand: 13,506.00 Points
My friend Alvey had to take a long nap and prepare for XLC
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Post November 28th, 2016, 7:11 pm
Xenon User avatar
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Location: The Armpit of the World, USA
My friend Alvey had to take a short nap and prepare for XLC
hyyyper wrote:
Turbo wrote:
WCD-Ltd wrote:
Some of the complaining people lived up to 200 Km away
That's a joke right? What complaint could they have possibly given?

They should only be allowed to complain about the coaster being built too far away from them.

Post December 1st, 2016, 10:52 am

Posts: 8144
Points on hand: 13,506.00 Points
My friend Alvey had to take a short nap and prepare for XLC because
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Post December 2nd, 2016, 9:57 pm
Xenon User avatar
Premium Member
Premium Member

Posts: 265
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Bank: 431.00 Points
Location: The Armpit of the World, USA
My friend Alvey had to take a short nap and prepare for XLC because he
hyyyper wrote:
Turbo wrote:
WCD-Ltd wrote:
Some of the complaining people lived up to 200 Km away
That's a joke right? What complaint could they have possibly given?

They should only be allowed to complain about the coaster being built too far away from them.

Post December 4th, 2016, 9:54 am

Posts: 8144
Points on hand: 13,506.00 Points
My friend Alvey had to take a short nap and prepare for XLC because he actually
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Post September 1st, 2017, 6:16 am

Posts: 112
Points on hand: 1,187.00 Points
My friend Alvey had to take a short nap and prepare for XLC because he actually hadn't

Post September 1st, 2017, 11:10 am

Posts: 2035
Points on hand: 15,406.90 Points
Location: The Consortium
My friend Alvey had to take a short nap and prepare for cardio because he actually hadn't

Post September 1st, 2017, 11:42 am

Posts: 15
Points on hand: 946.00 Points
My friend Alvey had to take a short nap and prepare for air because he actually hadn't

Post September 2nd, 2017, 4:42 am

Posts: 8144
Points on hand: 13,506.00 Points
My friend Alvey had to take a short nap and... prepare for air because he actually hadn't
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.


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