Construction Update!

This project isn't dead! Far from it, actually... Sorry for the lack of updates!

This is the most complex station I've ever made for a NL project, and I think it's worth it. It was surprisingly tricky to get realistic entrance and exit paths for a double station though.

I tackled the lighting options with this station, and made some pretty decent florescent-style lights. I also figured out the keyframe animation, so yes, those fans do spin.

Nighthawk's ride sign. Simple, but effective I think.

Part of Nighthawk's queue. More lights and ride storage lockers.

Across the way from Nighthawk is Vertigo (pardon the cliche name). It's the default Frisbee ride that's been recolored.

A shot of vertigo and Nighthawk as they are currently.

Speaking of flat rides, substantial progress has been made on Ripcord, my 200ft Intamin drop tower. (thanks to Joshua Velez for the amazing ride!)

But of course, Nighthawk couldn't be all by itself! Behind Vertigo, across from Nighthawk, I've included an Arrow suspended coaster named Ace. And that's all I'll say about it for now

Final Notes:At this point, about 95% of the physical modeling is done. I'm going to work this weekend on texturing and adding smaller details, and should be on schedule to start filming early next week, which should give me at least two week to make a video. As always, I'm more than happy to hear your feedback! Let me know if you have an criticisms, suggestions or otherwise!