Board index Roller Coaster Games NoLimits Coaster 2 NL2 seems significantly worse after update for me (low FPS)

NL2 seems significantly worse after update for me (low FPS)

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Posts: 274
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Any thoughts? Settings suggestions? I've fiddled around some but it's not helping, and I'd prefer not to just set them all to the lowest possible if I can help it because it doesn't look very good. I'm getting around 20FPS in a park with just one smallish coaster (no supports) and no extra scenery, default daytime settings, whereas immediately before I upgraded I was easily getting 60-70. Similar results in other similar parks, or absolutely awful in big ones.

I'm running Windows 8 on a 2014 rMBP with an nvidia geforce 700-something, 16GB RAM... I forget the processor. It was a replacement for a laptop purchased the previous year that was a total lemon. It's becoming outdated but I haven't had too much issue, and recently got the internals well-cleaned which was nearly 100% responsible for Planet Coaster lagging badly. Either way I'm looking forward to replacing it at the end of the year.

This is making me so sad. Halp please.

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I'd say turn off the Screen-space ambient Occlusion and Bloom off in the view panel (F7)

This has helped me save quite a bit of FPS
Ok but how desperate you have to be to voluntarily fly from another country to go to Thorpe?

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I'm still getting the same problem, like 0-20 frames and a poop ton of lag
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Did you turn off Screen Space Ambient Occlusion and Bloom? The deferred rendering engine hands the rendering calculations for lighting to the graphics cards. Older, lower end graphics cards may struggle with these higher end lighting features. In the previous engine these features weren't around so less capable cards weren't being taxed as much.


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So glad someone said something. I thought I was alone.
Just tried what you all said and it helped enough to get me back to where I was before the update, but that's only with after lowering some other settings as well.

Posts: 274
Points on hand: 2,475.00 Points
TTD would you mind telling me exactly what your settings are whenever you get a chance? I haven't had a chance to run through the above list yet, but I can... sounds like you found something OK for now? I'm also glad I'm not the only person experiencing this, at least. Thanks everyone.

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