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Seaside Screamer II - NL2 Contest (Results Released)

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Post January 19th, 2017, 6:07 am

Posts: 150
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Location: UK

10 Days remaining, hope you guys have some good entrys coming along!
Now usually there would be a banner image here, but i cant add one. have some random text instead

Post January 22nd, 2017, 6:04 am

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Location: UK

Submissions are now officially open!

You can submit by e-mailing a download link to me at with the subject as "SS2 [Username]:[Coaster Name]"

I request that you dont put parks up for release until the contest is over
Now usually there would be a banner image here, but i cant add one. have some random text instead

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Location: UK

Hey guys, I have decided to extend the time to submit to the 31st of January to make sure people have a couple more days to finish their rides off, since we havent had that many entries so far
Now usually there would be a banner image here, but i cant add one. have some random text instead

Post January 28th, 2017, 3:52 am
herman116 User avatar
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I will probably submit something although I'm not really happy about my result right now...
At what time and which time zone is the deadline? Is it at PM 11.59 at the UK time zone?

Post January 28th, 2017, 4:27 am

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Yea, uk timezone
Now usually there would be a banner image here, but i cant add one. have some random text instead

Post January 29th, 2017, 1:21 am
XLR8R User avatar
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Working on me submission


Storm Chaser | Intimidator 305 | Lightning Run | Twisted Colossus | Maverick | El Toro | Millennium Force | Xcelerator | El Loco | Magnum XL-200
Coaster Count: 154 - Last Credit: Ragin' Cajun (Six Flags America)

Post January 30th, 2017, 3:02 pm
herman116 User avatar
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^That looks interesting!

Just send in my submission. :)

Post January 31st, 2017, 11:29 am

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Location: UK

Just around 6 Hours left, get those entries in!
Now usually there would be a banner image here, but i cant add one. have some random text instead

Post January 31st, 2017, 7:07 pm

Posts: 150
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Location: UK

Submissions are now over, Any rides sent in now wont be added to the list of entries. We are starting judging soon, and will be livestreaming the results within the next week (Most likely this sunday)
Now usually there would be a banner image here, but i cant add one. have some random text instead

Post February 1st, 2017, 11:57 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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I had some fun ideas but I couldn't even start on my submission, too busy with work and such.

I do am curious on the results from everyone.
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
- Steel: 1268

Post February 1st, 2017, 12:05 pm
herman116 User avatar
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Post February 2nd, 2017, 11:19 am

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^We got jusy over 10 entries overall

Bad news. My computer has decided that now would be a good time to just stop connecting to the internet, and corrupt a lot of drivers i have installed. Its currently being fixed, but i have no idea when i will get it back
Now usually there would be a banner image here, but i cant add one. have some random text instead

herman116 User avatar
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Wow, that's more entries then I expected to be! :) Good luck with fixing your computer!

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I have my pc up and running properly again, Incredibly sorry for the delay. The order of entrys has been finalised, and all thats left to do are small writeups for each coaster
Now usually there would be a banner image here, but i cant add one. have some random text instead

Posts: 150
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Location: UK

So, at this point im going to have to put the results up now, or they will just be forgotten and lost. All the judges have become tied up in personal projects and also school work, and also my computer breaking sort of threw off the entire thing. Apologies it took this long, but i hoped that during the UK half term the result write ups could have been done (needless to say they were not).

Winner: Sea Monster by JAKool


An insane attempt at a flying coaster, works around the template incredibly well and only has a couple track radius issues

2nd Place: Thunderbird by CoasterMac305


Probably one of the most unexpected coaster styles to be entered, shaped perfectly and the only glaring issue is that it wouldnt pass clearance with actual D6 Trains

3rd Place: Ignition by Kryptos001


Very well shaped to manufacturer, and the main thing that lets this ride down are some of the transitions that are a bit too quick for raised seating

4th Place: Bermuda Blitz by DerMuffinMaker


So much track in such a small space! Shares similar issues that Ignition had with some transitions, and has some questionable shaping in some roll transitions too

5th Place: Riptide - Mr. E


Flows around the layout nicely, feels like an old gen premier. Main issues are some small areas around the station area where the spline is a bit wonky where strict nodes are

Other Entries:

Apollo XIII - XYZcoaster


Memes. So. Many. Memes.

Beach Blitz - Losingmilk1


Massive improvement on the entry for last year's contest i did, works as a mack megalite nicely

Blaster - Swedishcoasterfreak


Very interesting little infinity, has a small block spacing issue at the end of the ride

Pantheon - Unclearly


Pretty ambitions entry, although the time constraints the entrant made this ride under show a fair bit

Son Of Waverider - Herman116


God this ride is cool. Its such a shame the trackwork isnt too great, otherwise this would be in the top 5 for sure

Disqualified Entries:
Typhoon - Xazzaphonic


Disqualified for going outside the template in 2 areas. The layout wasnt too great, but it was made in newton with a very last minute template made for newton

SOL - HLCoasters


Disqualified for the storage being outside the designated area. Shame this had to be disqualified, and it wasnt even because of the clipping tunnels (I had given the ok to that in a PM.)


Sorry the results are not presented too well, but i didnt want to keep people hanging for a contest that had sort of lost traction after the results were late. Maybe next year...
Now usually there would be a banner image here, but i cant add one. have some random text instead

Posts: 8144
Points on hand: 13,501.00 Points
^ Wow those entries even touched my heart. I did enjoy browsing each "different" layout shown. :)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.


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