Why spend the energy. When someone is always at war with the world because they crave the attention and bast in times of conflict the best course of action is to not give them any attention at all. See North Korea.
Nobody would have ever heard of the Westboro Baptist Church if they didnt say things that made the world hate them. The only reason you know of TPR is because of everyone complaining about it.
Want to see TPRs demise? Stop visiting their site, stop watching their videos, and stop buying their merchandise and services, and stop contributing to their community in anyway.
You take the fuel away from the fire and it the fire will go out. I would advise you not feed the fire and let it go out on its own.
There are better TPR alternatives to their POV's that they definitely ripped footage of in one of their own videos....
I used to go to TPR just for the consistent construction updates, but members here have gracious enough to keep up the last few years, I don't even know the last time I went on TPR
If the money went towards psychiatric treatment of his temper tantrums he has with anyone that disagrees with him, I am sure there would be a whole lot more people giving in.
Who? But seriously is there a legit reason for that mean streak thing?
My guess is as much as Park's watch forums and stuff like that. Cedar Point or Tony might have reached out to Robb and told him that they didn't want any more pictures of Mean Streak on the site, and if something happens to be posted, the poster should be punished.
Drummer, Guitarist, Coaster Enthusiast and a metal head?? 126 Credits and counting! Creator of MK Media on all social media platforms!
Would someone start posting a bunch of Mean Streak photos they took every week on this site? Would love to get a cease and desist letter with no subsistence.
Pretty sure the only reason everyone in the area hasn't taken 20 pictures a day is because you'll get murdered if you try and go boating on The Great Lakes in winter lol.