How then would the trains sense that there is different cartextures in the park folder? I did that to the minetrain trains and it worked fine with no errors.
All, as an update, a template pack is VERY close to release!!
At this time, I would like to call out to everyone for help in making this happen. I need 1 coaster of each of the following 10 coaster styles as a showcase for the texture pack. So...if you have a coaster that you wouldn't mind being shown off, and want a free car textures out of the deal too, PM me!
Preview time anyone? The pack will come with 9 coaster recreations to showcase the texture templates. These coasters are NOT perfect recs, nor are they MEANT to be! Separate from the coasters, there will be a new download including the 9 B&M style templates, along with a few other styles, and instructions, maybe even a video, of how to customize these to your next project.
no, it hasn't been released, the flying coaster texture is not quite perfect, but the rest are as close as they are going to get. Might as well release it as is. Maybe someone else can look at the flyers...who knows?