Manic Monte wrote:
rcdude wrote:
Manic Monte wrote:
Knotts Berry Farm?

Highly doubtful due to the capacity of the ride. A Raptor actually has a lower capacity than a Boomerang.
As for where it might be going, I'm leaning toward either Silverwood Theme Park (which has had rumors of an RMC for some time) or one of Premier's properties (Darien Lake, Elitch Gardens, Frontier City, or Magic Springs). That is, of course, assuming the ride will be built in the United States.
Yeah Knotts never installs low capacity rides.

Assuming normal operations, major rides at Knott's generally have an actual capacity of 500-800 riders per hour (theoretical capacities mostly range from 900-1,300). In fact, at an enthusiast event several years ago, one of the park managers said that they won't consider any major attraction with a capacity under 800 RPH. A Raptor has a theoretical capacity of about 600 RPH, and assuming the same capacity drop as other Knott's attractions, would only get 300-400 in practice. That is not something a park that is aiming for 5 million annual visitors should be considering, especially if they are going after the crowds coming for Star Wars Land in 2019.
Six Flags, on the other hand...