So Cedar Point is usually known for their great and diverse ride collection. Over the years, they have also been known to try to improve their rides obviously to keep them popular, one being to my former favorite coaster in the park, Mantis. The big rides, like Millennium Force, Dragster, GateKeeper, Valravn, Maverick, and soon to be Mean Streak all are popular and are huge crowdpleasers. Then there are other rides like Gemini and Iron Dragon that are pretty popular too, especially since they are more family oriented and especially with the new VR on Iron Dragon. And then there are rides that are on the more historical side, such as Magnum XL-200 with the ACE Landmark, Blue Streak, and Corkscrew (which I wouldn't be surprised if it gets an ACE Landmark soon too, unless CP messed it up somehow like they did with Blue Streak ). Yes I left two out because I honestly believe these two are on the chopping block, but this is about the gorgeous looking B&M next to Iron Dragon.
So from what I remember, Mantis usually always had a line. Yeah, the standup trains made it slightly longer, but I honestly don't remember loading being that bad. They had to have been a little more intensely trained to deal with the large crowds that come to Cedar Point, especially working on a standup. After changing to Rougarou, it had lines the first 3 months, then nothing. I have only seen the line over 5 minutes once, and it was on such a busy Halloweekends Saturday that even Mean Streak had a wait time of 1 hr 30 minutes. Yeah Rougarou has 3 trains now, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. There has been days I've gone when Rougarou has 2 trains running, and Iron Dragon has a longer line. In fact, Iron Dragon almost always has a longer line than Rougarou, which is kind of sad, because Rougarou was supposed to be an "improvement" over Mantis.
Why am I posting about this though? Well, I have heard rumors of Cedar Point already planning on removing Rougarou. Of course, these are just rumors, but honestly just hearing these rumors shows how much of a dud this ride was. Many praised Cedar Point for making this conversion, yet that's all they like about the ride. The enthusiasts asked for a floorless, they got it, and it kind of sucked. Ask almost anyone who has gone to Cedar Point if their favorite ride was Rougarou and I guarantee that 99.9% will say no. Ask anyone if they liked Rougarou or Mantis better and I think you would be surprised how many people liked Mantis better. And I'm not talking about picky coaster enthusiasts, I'm talking the GP (I hate using that but I'm gonna use it anyways). They're really the only ones who matter because they show the theme parks what they like and what will get the most business. I don't think anything is going to happen to this ride immediately, because I think they are trying to add some effects. I have noticed a considerable amount of fog outside the entrance this year and the sound effects have been going a lot more frequently. However, this seems to not really have attracted more guests.
What's in store for the future? Honestly, I have no idea. This just seems like something that won't be here long. Tony Clark even said something about how it would not be getting vest restraints as a floorless. My personal hope for this ride is for it to be completely retracked and transformed back into Mantis, with the new rumored B&M Standup trains. This would make the ride unique again and easily be one of the most popular standup coasters. This would also give other Cedar Fair parks the option of putting in standup coasters. I just think it's weird for Cedar Fair to completely push the idea of a standup coaster away, because in the end, it's another coaster option for them to add. Retracking it would also allow them to alter supports in case clearance does not pass. However, this is just my wild imagination, but I honestly could see it considering Cedar Point is in the race for the most coasters and losing a coaster definitely hurts them. I would really like to hear some opinions though, because I honestly have no clue what's in store for this B&M coaster.