It is the year 2020. You are a well known coaster designer. You get a message from Rocky Mountain Construction and a smaller park called Evoritte Hills. They want YOU to design and do a makeover of a coaster they've had for 17 years, Vampire. The park has always got complaints of how rough and rickety it has gotten. In 2012, They refurbished some of the track and changed the trains. The park though it was better, but the guests disagreed, so they now have to find something else to do.. and they've figured it out. Also, Evoritte Hills has been looking to upgrade their park for a while and now they know what they want to do, and of course you're chosen to design the new and improved Vampire. The name, layout, elements heights and ect, is all up to you to redesign.
Lets get to the basics.
TheCodeMaster's RMC rails are not required, but if you can install them, please use them.
If you want to find out how to install realistic RMC rails, Here is the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16gSWKTLW-g&t=186s
You MUST Follow most of the track layout. You are allowed to reverse the way you go. For instance, Instead of going origionally left on the first turn, you make the drop angled so instead you turn and go Right, You are allowed to reverse anywhere but the break run and the lift.
Maximum height = 125FT
No G-Force over 4G's
No -G Force under -2 G's
Must have 2 Inversions, No more than 3
There are support barriers that contradict to where your track can go.
Most turns have a large space to work with so you can add nice airtime moments and inversion potential.

Thats what they look like.
Supports have no restriction. They can pass the border.
You must use a tunnel.
You can design the terrain and scenery how you want.
You dont have to use the entire wood used. you can just generate your own. Just keep the borders in the same place and try to re-act the layout making it look similar.
How to get more credit
By credit i mean, Better chance of winning.
This is the main thing for making something look realistic. This is going to be a RMC coaster, make it look like one.
Another thing. Make sure it fits with the coaster.
Unique name
Make it something appealing.Something that fits the ride. "Iron Vampire" Is just a no no...
Play it right
This means how you play the old coasters layout. making it fit right, good flow and pacing. Dont just make the first half slow and full of hills then the second half intense and helix like. Make it flow and pace well.
If you can get all of those things pretty good, ill surely love your ride.
First, you need to get the file that you're going to use for your RMC makeover.
The coaster is finished but it barely doesent make it back to the station, but it goes through the brake run. it goes through the full course how it should, i just forgot to add speed to the last brake section so it doesent make it in. You're just remaking it. so should it really matter since you're prooobaby adding 2 trains and a better brake run..?
Once you're finished, Email me the file at Threeton43@gmail.com
Please make sure to also PM me or comment if you've submitted your coaster!
Once we get enough people i will make a due date. It will most likely be 1 month. if you guys think that its not enough time, or too much time please suggest a proper due date.
Thats all i have to say for now. If you have any questions Please either PM me or comment it so that other people can see if they have the same question.