ROUND 2: The Gerstlauer Challenge
Congratulations on making it to the second round! For your second round you must twist your thoughts and bring out your inner demons and build a kickass Gerstlauer Rollercoaster! Your task is simple, from the list below choose a coaster style and follow the restricitons also listed below:
-Gerstlauer Bobsled Coaster
-Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter
-Gerstlauer Euro-FIghter 2
-Gerstlauer Infinity Coaster
-Gerstlauer Infinity Coaster 2
-Gerstlauer Spinning Coaster
Once you have chosen 1 of the coaster styles from the list above, you must use your imagination and create a coaster unlike anything else! But beware, the curveballs for this round are more challenging than before and there are twists around every corner...
Round 2 Restrictions:
-Your coaster must have a minimum of 5 inversion(s) but must not exceed 15.
NOTE: If you choose a spinning coaster design you must incorporate at least 3 inversions other than a loop.
-Your coaster must have a minimum length of 2000 feet (609.6 meters) and a max of 4200 feet (1280.16 metes).
-Your coaster must have a minimum height of 70 feet (21.336 meters). Max height is 115 feet (35.052 meters).
- Your coaster must have at least 1 vertical lift within the layout.(this must be a 90 degree angle).
-Your coaster must have safe and comfortable g forces.
-Your coaster must stay true to what Gerstlauer would design based on G-Forces and Shaping. (old school or new school).
The first curveball will come out Friday, August 4th. So be sure to check then for your first curveball!
Please note that you will be judged on the following:
-How realistic your design is for each manufacturer.
-Are your g forces in check?
-Support work
-Track work
-Overall Impression (does your coaster look appropriate for the specified area?, Colors, etc. This is the extra credit points)
-It must pass all clearance and block tests.
*You are allowed to use custom skyboxes and 3d scenery if you feel fit.
Your judges are
-Myself, Head judge
-Paradox,originality/rules judge
-Daniel (Metazoanhaddock), Support judge
The submissions must be sent to contests@nolimitscoaster2.com by August 26th at midnight EST. If you do not send in your track by the appropriate time, you will be automatically disqualified and will no longer be in the running for the grand prize. When submitting please follow this submission guideline.
Username- Nl2 Tournament Round _(2)_ Submission
Track name
Track description (Elements used as well as list of manufacturers used)
Track file upload
You should receive a confirmation email saying we have received your track file.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!
Good luck!