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Say hi to the crowd of CoasterCrazians!

Post August 3rd, 2017, 11:58 am

Posts: 92
Points on hand: 2,395.00 Points
Hello everyone. My name is Frank, and I have an unhealthy obsession with roller coasters, but that's why we're all here, isn't it?

A bit about me; I'm a student at Missouri S&T studying Aerospace Engineering, and I'm halfway through the program (done with math, woo!). Given that, I do like applying concepts I've learned or am working on in my designs. (Is there a forum for that?)
I've used No Limits 1 for the better part of the last decade with a small hiatus the last couple of years, and last week I got back into roller coaster design with No Limits 2. I absolutely love the new vertices system. Hand-building has become much more accessible, and the ability to roll the track irrespective of those vertices is outstanding.

I'm looking forward to sharing creative ideas with you all.

Post August 3rd, 2017, 9:20 pm

Posts: 8144
Points on hand: 13,491.00 Points
^ Please share yours! In our "Track Exchange" any design is welcome! :D
-- I was happy to be with NL1 - [:')] --

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