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Recently got iVUE Horizon Camera glasses. Allowed on rides?

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Posts: 78
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I recently got Camera glasses to make some POV's for my youtube channel and im heading to SFNE this friday. I read the polocy about cameras, photography, video ect. it says this

"Specifically, the use of the following equipment is not permitted:

Go Pro cameras
Lenses greater than three-and-one-half inches in length
Interchangeable lenses of any kind
Any camera mounted to a vehicle, drone, cart, scooter or another moving object
No cameras (video, still, cell-phone, smart phones, etc.) are allowed on any rides at any time. No exceptions."

I got puzzled because my friends on my youtube team have worn camera glasses at six flags parks on coasters with no issues, but im still frightened ill
get spoken to by some employee about the situation of me having cam glasses. Ive tried looking this up, and found nothing talking about what my question is.

Thanks so much for answers!

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Generally, I believe they'll let you ride with glasses of any kind (including camera glasses) so long as you're liable should they get lost, damaged, etc.
Ok but how desperate you have to be to voluntarily fly from another country to go to Thorpe?

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Technically you are a moving object.....
What are these for?

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If you can keep your glasses on looping coasters, flying coasters, and RMC's, great.

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Technically it's a camera of some kind so it's not permitted according to the last line. But if you wear athletic straps to keep them on and don't make a fuss with it, the ride hosts really shouldn't notice.
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Posts: 78
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I did get a strap that i tried on and it works fine. Hopefuly ill be okay.

Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Usually about 99 out of 100 ride attended have no issue with glasses when attached with an elastic strap. So I doubt they're going to make a major problem out of it.
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^ I'm wondering (as one of those wearing glasses) what "tracked or coaster" ride won't let us on even with tightly fitted glasses straps. One of my biggest questions, always.

Hmm... :roll:
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lol240 wrote:
^ I'm wondering (as one of those wearing glasses) what "tracked or coaster" ride won't let us on even with tightly fitted glasses straps. One of my biggest questions, always.

Hmm... :roll:

At the new coaster at Slagharen they don't allow anything in forms of glasses/loose items. Even with straps because "they don't know where to draw the line. Therefor just ban them completely."I think it'll probably fade in a while, it's just the newness of the ride and I assume they will loosen up.

But I've had several more rides and coasters which banned glasses in general. Even with straps. Most of them were in the Asian countries though.
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^ Tall rides in Japan, South Korea, for instance? Curious. :roll:
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Posts: 78
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Sorry for the late update, but i did manage to crack down a couple of POV's :D

mkingy User avatar

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If you are ever at Hansa park be aware you will not be allowed them on Kleine Zar ( as Dirk found out.
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Yeah because my homepark is hansa park and i live in Europe

jk :D

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mkingy wrote:
If you are ever at Hansa park be aware you will not be allowed them on Kleine Zar ( as Dirk found out.

Yes, totally understandable because that coaster was so intense! Those g-forces and sudden jolts really could send any object that's strapped tight to your head flying!
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
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^ Did you ride in the back? Kiddies sometimes get so jerky, I know! :roll: + :lol:
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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