Personally, I find these three rides with the best finals: Beast: Not only is it the double helix but it's legendary. Voyage: AIRTIME and sharp banked turns that are intense! and Raptor at CP: Why? Look at what you do, two corkscrews and two intense helix's.
Drummer, Guitarist, Coaster Enthusiast and a metal head?? 126 Credits and counting! Creator of MK Media on all social media platforms!
Big Thunder Mountain in Disneyland Paris isn't one of the most exciting rides I've been one but I always loved the finale where the train goes underground and it feels like it's going faster than all of the other parts of the ride.
Yeah, I would have to agree with Kumba. Although Cheetah Hunt's 3rd launch straight into an ejector hill is also pretty good.
BGT fanboi Top 5: 1. Montu 2. Kumba 3. Tennessee Tornado 4. Thunderhead 5. White Ligthning Going to SFMM this summer so this will probably become a top 10
Wild One's Helix is great. That thing has insane laterals making it easily the most intense Helix I've ever been on. Kraken's final corkscrew is awesome too out of the tunnel.
I think the "almost airtime" hills discounts Taron as a fantastic finale. Don't get me wrong, fantastic ride (especially the second half) but those hills only lessened the experience.