skyscraper wrote:
In the station, I think there is to much space between the station entrance and the boarding aisles. Maybe you could add a maze queue, possibly including a front row queue?
I plan to do this for the first row at least. The ride and model is complete for the most part but these rails should only take a few minutes.
mkingy wrote:
3DS look excellent! My only comment of improvement would be to create a bit more of sturdy support structure for the path over the water splashdown. Perhaps thicker columns or more of a lattice structure would work.
I wanted to, but the rails on the side of the path limited my ability to do this. I decided to just stick with it. In a later revision I may edit this.
Edit: I found a way to make it work but it takes a lot of line drawing to make wider beams.
In the image below all the vertical beams have been replaced but the arches are in progress. Whether they go to the water or not I'm still undecided on. The front arch has not been started.