Board index Roller Coaster Games 3D Modeling Discussion Texture issues importing from Sketchup

Texture issues importing from Sketchup

Discuss anything related to 3D modeling from 3ds Max to Object Creator. Have a question? Get it answered here!

Post December 24th, 2017, 5:36 am

Posts: 40
Points on hand: 2,972.00 Points
Hi all!

I've started using sketchup pro to make scenery for NL2. But when I import the 3ds files into NL2, most of the faces do not have their textures applied. I don't think that the issue is due to missing textures, as each texture shows up somewhere in the imported model, but 90% of it remains untextured.

I tried exporting/importing as a .dae file but there's an issue with the translucent textures (I assume you can't have glass textures in a .dae file?)

Entrance 2.jpg
The model in Sketchup

Entrance 1.jpg
The 3ds model imported into sketchup

[I tried importing the model directly & defining it as a scenery object, but this made no difference]

Any help would be appreciated!

Post December 24th, 2017, 1:01 pm
Innovtech Premium Member
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I think the faces that aren???t showing textures are probably ???reversed??? in your sketchup model. (the offending faces will appear grey in skechup rather than white when there is no material applied to them). You can flip the reversed faces by simply right clicking them and selecting ???Reverse Faces???. Then re-export you model and refresh it in NL2.

That should sort the problem.

Post December 28th, 2017, 2:17 pm

Posts: 40
Points on hand: 2,972.00 Points
Innovtech wrote:
I think the faces that aren???t showing textures are probably ???reversed??? in your sketchup model. (the offending faces will appear grey in skechup rather than white when there is no material applied to them). You can flip the reversed faces by simply right clicking them and selecting ???Reverse Faces???. Then re-export you model and refresh it in NL2.

That should sort the problem.

Thank you, that sorted everything out. Now to design a world's fair! :D

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