Board index Public Relations Contests 2017 No Limits 2 Tournament - Final Results!

2017 No Limits 2 Tournament - Final Results!

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Thank you everyone for bearing with the judges for the long delay. Finally, we have the results for round 2. Like last round, if your name is in bold you are moving on to round 2. Please keep in mind the judging was much stricter for this round and only 5 could go through due to the amount of drop outs. For more information about your scores please do not hesitate to contact the judges (Blase Rhine, Metazoanhaddock, Paradox). Once again thanks to everyone who participated and round 3 will begin soon!


Congratulations to jpaufsc for winning this round!


In other news BlaseRhine will be stepping down from the judging team due to some personal issues.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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Metazoanhaddock User avatar

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So a few quick announcements:

1: The parameters for the finals will be released sometime on Sunday, so be on the lookout for those.

2: Blase has stepped down from his role running the competition as well as his judging role, I will be running the finals, and Turbo will be replacing Blase as the trackwork judge.

If you have any questions please feel free to post them below or PM me.

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Darn Irma, she destroyed his network stuff as well! Hopefully that he'll get back on the (right) track! :cry:
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Metazoanhaddock User avatar

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Welcome to the final round of the 2017 NLT, Congratulations to all our finalists for making it this far!

For this final round, you will be creating two coasters to duel. However, there's a twist. One coaster must be a launched coaster by Intamin (any Intamin track style) while the other must be an Arrow (also any Arrow track style).

While this may seem somewhat straightforward, there are some parameters to keep in mind when building your rides:

Max height must be between 200-300 feet
Must have 5-10 inversions

Must have one element 200-220 feet tall, while the rest of the ride must be below 150 feet
Must have 3-5 inversions

Must have some form of interaction (train-train, train-track) at least 6 times between the two coasters

The rest is up to you, there will be NO curveballs for this challenge

Please note that you will be judged on the following:

-How realistic your design is for each manufacturer.
-Are your g forces in check?
-Support work
-Track work
-Overall Impression (does your coaster look appropriate for the specified area?, Colors, etc. This is the extra credit points)
-It must pass all clearance and block tests.

*You are allowed to use custom skyboxes and 3d scenery if you feel fit.

Your judges are

-Turbo, Trackwork judge
-Paradox, originality/rules judge
-Daniel (Metazoanhaddock), Support judge

The submissions must be sent to by Friday October 20th at midnight EST. If you do not send in your track by the appropriate time, you will be automatically disqualified and will no longer be in the running for the grand prize. When submitting please follow this submission guideline.

Username- Nl2 Tournament Round _(3)_ Submission

Track name
Track description (Elements used as well as list of manufacturers used)

Track file upload

You should receive a confirmation email saying we have received your track file.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!

Good luck!
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That is up to the creators of those entries, so no, I can't.
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Paradox User avatar

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Hey guys! Due to complaints about the challenge we have decided to change it up a little. You can now make your dueling coasters any track styles but they must follow these rules:

- Must have at least 6 interactions.
- One ride must be launched.
- One ride must have 5-10 inversions and the other 3-5 inversions.
- Minimum track length for each coaster is 3,200 ft (975.36 meters).

You can choose to follow either set of guidelines, but please specify what you are following in your submission. The contest will be extended by 1 week for those who wish to start over completely. Submissions will now be due on Friday October 27th!

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Paradox User avatar

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Sorry the results took so long, but the judges were caught up with work, school, and holiday related activities. Here are the final results for the NLT!

In 4th place with an average score of 4.00 and the winner of a CoasterCrazy mug is "The Pant Shitter" by JAKool


In 3rd place with an average score of 8.50 and the winner of a CoasterCrazy mug is "Quark & Neutrino" by Jpaufsc


In 2nd place with an average score of 8.83 and the winner of a $25 Amazon gift card is "Root & Octave" by NemesisRider


Finally, in 1st place with an average score of 9.08 and the winner of both a $50 Amazon gift card AND a 3D printed loop model is "Aero & Terra" by JetPulse


Thanks to everyone for a great tournament this year, even with all of the delays! All 4 entrants will receive a prize so please contact a judge or CoasterCrazy admin for more details.

Once again feel free to contact the judges for a more detailed score breakdown.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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Yay! Congrats!!! Winners please send me a private message with your full name, email address and mailing address to start processing your winnings!

Thank you,

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Root and Octave should win because its named after 2 incredible albums. Congrats to everyone
What are these for?

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Metazoanhaddock User avatar

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Ward wrote:

Can i download the winners?

It is up to the creators of the rides to upload them
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Root and Octave will probably have a bit more scenery added before I put them out for download - however, I am working to try and get my Round 2 and 1 entries available ASAP (The Machine and Florence will probably be the first package I release). Within the coming days I should have POVs for both Florence and The Machine out.

As for Root and Octave, they were heavily inspired by Dream Theater???s Octavarium - Root obviously after ???The Root of All Evil??? and Octave after the titular track. Well done to all who realised :)

Post December 20th, 2017, 11:09 am

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So far we've only received the contact info of 2 contestants, 1st and 2nd place, will the remaining ones please send me a private message with your name, email address and mailing address so we can get going on getting your nifty rewards going!

Thank you,

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afro85 User avatar
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Loved the idea of a Dream Theater inspired theme!!!
Can't wait to download this! Congrats to all of you!!

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1st and 2nd place Amazon gift cards have been digitally sent! Check your emails!


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