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What G-Force Numbers to use?

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Post February 28th, 2004, 12:17 pm

Posts: 22
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When I create a coaster in Scream Machines, what G-Force numbers should I use and which ones should I avoid? For some strange reason, I just have a gut feeling that the G-Force meter isn't enough to help me.[:(][:(]

Post February 28th, 2004, 4:28 pm

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Max Lateral G's: -1.5 to 1.5 You can go as high as -2.0 to 2.0 to be realistic, but that's cutting it close.

Max vertical g's: 5 A small handfull of real coasters can hit a high between 5 and 6 g's, so if need to you can use 6 as your high.

Max neg g's: -1.5 (no more then -2.0 to stay realistic)

Max Acc g's: 5

Hope that helps.

Post February 28th, 2004, 5:02 pm

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Post February 28th, 2004, 8:26 pm

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negative g-forces shouldn't exceed -.5g, I was researching this on the net and I found out that a lot of people can't handle more than this.

Post February 28th, 2004, 10:37 pm

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Actually my research has found that you can go up around -1.0. I cant find the chart but I had found that listed things we do everyday, one of them included plopping down on a couch and registering something like 10+ G's. Negative they gave some examples of hitting -1.2, but again, briefly. Nothing sustained and nothing TOO sudden either.

The thing everyone here, and usually elsewhere forgets it the length of TIME that you hold those G's. If you want to hit 5-6 G's, only for a second. Even 3-4G's if held for more than 3 seconds can black someone out (Think Goliath SFMM)

Negative G's work the same way, but less leeway. You can hit -1 but only for a brief second. Like, the very apex of a hill. If you somehow were to hit -1 and then hold it for 2-3 seconds, people would be redding out, which is far more worse than blacking out.

Post February 29th, 2004, 9:06 am
gouldy User avatar
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Actually, in reality, humans can withstand extremely high G forces, but only for a short amount of time, in 1967, an american test team put a man on a rocket sled, which accelerated to over 500mph in less than 1 second, the man went through 35 positive G's for that time and survived to tell the tale, although nearly all of his organs were ruptured, his eyes blood shot, and he never walked properly again. But he still survived it. [:)]

Post February 29th, 2004, 5:03 pm

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Post March 1st, 2004, 5:46 pm

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6 forces can black you out, not just make you dizzy.
fighter pilots HAVE to pass 9 G's without passing out, and thats VERY hard for them, who are trained and know how to handle high G situations. I would venture to say that for more than a few seconds, anything over 7-8 can be fatal to an average person. you can handle 5-6 but not for long.

I was in a car crash where we went from 50mph to 0 at a dead stop. I went back, got the info and did some math and figured out i pulled 40-48G's in the crash, but only for a micro of a second. Only got burns from the airbag, nothing more. Body can withstand more than you think, but not for very long.

Post March 2nd, 2004, 2:03 am

Posts: 22
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Interesting stories, here. I also forgot to ask: do these G forces apply to all coasters or can I use different G force numbers for specific coasters?

Post March 2nd, 2004, 7:38 pm
gouldy User avatar
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hmmmm, well hard question, the amount of G forces a human can take would stay the same, no matter what ride type you were on, BUT, some rides tend to give off higher g's than others which you have to be careful of, like the 4-D coasters for example. You might find you need to be careful with them, but i would think that the G numbers would still be the same.

Post March 2nd, 2004, 8:42 pm

Posts: 22
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oh i see. well i haven't been on a 4-D yet so i won't make any other those types of coasters. so it doesn't matter if the coaster is a flyer(as opposed to an inverted coaster) or a traditional sitdown coaster (as opposed to a stand-up), the Gs will stay similar?

i apologize if i'm starting to sound annoying by asking all these questions by the way.

Post March 2nd, 2004, 11:43 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

gouldy, what makes you think that a 4-D would have higher gs just because it was a 4-D?

Anyways, flyers would have the same gs as an ordinary sitdown coaster, its just that the way you are positioned in the train changes the way your body can handle them. If a sitdown coaster went through a pretzel loop you would red out because of the EXTREME -gs, on a flyer your back gets the gs in a lot of areas so its a lot more tolerable.

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