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500 Internal Server Error When Uploading

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Post June 23rd, 2016, 1:31 am

Posts: 12
Points on hand: 2,955.00 Points
Hopefully this is the correct place for this. I am attempting to upload one of my NL2 packages to the exchange. However, the upload never completes and a 500 Internal Server error is thrown back. The package is pretty hefty at 156MB, but that is less than the posted 1GB limit. It seems that the track uploads ok, but then gets hung up before it finishes. I have been able to upload smaller NL2 package files, but for some reason, this file keeps failing.


The upload seems to get stuck at the point where my browser is "sending request to". After sitting on that for a while, the page will finally kick to a 500 server error page.

The 500 Internal Server Error page simply states:

"There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed."

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Hi! I think it the size of the file. We've had this issue before and had fixed it but I guess its broken again :(

So, here's what we could do. Upload the 156MB file to dropbox or another file hosting site and private message me the link to it. Then you upload a blank track file to the exchange and include the screenshots and track description as you normally would. Then I will download the track and manually upload it and replace the blank file with the actual file.

So yeah, send me a pm when you've got the link so I do it ASAP.

Thank you and sorry,

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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post February 4th, 2018, 1:39 pm

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Is this issue still happening? I just tried to upload a 199MB park. Jamp Up Land 2018 version.

Post February 6th, 2018, 3:56 am
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