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Blackpool Pleasure Beach 2018 - Icon: Mack Double Launch

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Ok but how desperate you have to be to voluntarily fly from another country to go to Thorpe?

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It will be the world's first double launch coaster which is build in the United Kingdom!

I really can't find a way how else you should interpret it... I can't imagine they didn't know about the existence of Helix when they use the same builder and coaster type.

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^ It definitely says "The U.K.'s first" not the worlds first.

Nevermind, didn't see the post like 5 posts back...
What are these for?

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I didn't saw the TV advert. I was responding to the image:

straightbanana wrote:
Something doesn't seem right here :lol:

But It's good that they did it right in the TV advertisement!

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herman116 wrote:
It will be the world's first double launch coaster which is build in the United Kingdom!

I really can't find a way how else you should interpret it... I can't imagine they didn't know about the existence of Helix when they use the same builder and coaster type.

Not even the first one in the park
Boulder Dash was the only good roller coaster.

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That's a high bar.
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Is it me being pessimistic or is the launch weak as hell? It looks speedy though unlike Star Trek. I was afraid it would be slow like that. Should be a fun ride!
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^ I'll have to agree with you there, unfortunately all Mack launches appear to be like that.
Ok but how desperate you have to be to voluntarily fly from another country to go to Thorpe?

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^Blue fire's launch is pretty good
Last edited by straightbanana on May 22nd, 2018, 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Taron>Helix get mad

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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
Is it me being pessimistic or is the launch weak as hell? It looks speedy though unlike Star Trek. I was afraid it would be slow like that. Should be a fun ride!

Yeah Mack launches are weak. Ride looks decent though, looking forward to getting on it sometime this year!
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I find this "let's build the weakest possible launch we can, guys!" trend really irritating. It negates the entire point of a launch in the first place, with the exception of cases where a launch is chosen because the plot of land doesn't have room for a lift. Even Intamin isn't immune to it now with coasters like Soaring with Dragon. And we don't know enough about Taiga yet, but its first launch could potentially be quite tame as well.

As for Icon, I think it looks fine so far. If it can match Blue Fire's thrill level I'd be satisfied. It doesn't have to be a world beater for me, but then again I live in California, not the UK, so....

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To be honest, looking at that video, the launch looks even weaker than I thought it would, and while others seem to be saying the ride looks like it has speedy pacing... I don't think I agree. To me it looks a little on the sluggish side.
It looks like it will be alright, but I'm not excited by it, for whatever reason. Will definitely be riding it at some point this year to see for myself, but I'm not particularly impressed from the videos it has to be said.

Standard UK coaster... It's alright I guess. :lol:

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Can't help but think it lacks pacing towards the end of both of the sections.

Looking forward to riding it though, hopefully it speeds up significantly towards the end of the day!
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Full video of media event (includes press conference):

(Courtesy of SpringyTales on YouTube)

This is one of the best ones- over 30 minutes of pure Icon awesomeness! :)

00:00 - 20:59 - Intro & Press Conference
20:59 - 22:44 - First rides by the Thompson & Mack families
22:44 onwards - my experience of the ride, including on & off-ride footage, a ride review and a look at some of the merchandise on offer
(Taken from video description)

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Yet another winner for 2018. It will only get faster as time goes on. That second half is going to be ruthless at peak speed....
1-Millennium Force | 2-Intimidator 305 | 3-Fury 325
4-Skyrush | 5-Iron Rattler | 6-X2 | 7-Kingda Ka
8-Voyage | 9-Maverick | 10-Monster


herman116 User avatar
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It looks like a fun ride that really adds to the parks line up. But it's a shame that it looks like it doesn't have a lot of speed.


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