I have to say that these things look more like a coaster to me than a Larson Loop. Those loops have a never ending train that goes arount the whole loop (the people sit only in one section but the train itself is actually in the whole loop). The train on the Skywarp actually has a beginning and end. The Larson loop also doesn't have any change in the direction it's going. It's just a circle. I've never ridden a Larson loop but I've got the feeling it's just a 90?? tilted merry go round.
I think the skywarp is in a bit of a grey area like the Heege Butterfly "coasters". I don't feel like it's a coaster but technically the skywarp is just a powered coaster with it's engine not inside the train.
On the other hand, with this logic a Zamperla Rocking Tug or Disc'O should also be powered shuttle coasters but I don't think anyone consider those being a coaster. Sometimes it can be hard to identify what's a coaster or not.