Board index Roller Coaster Games NoLimits Coaster 2 (Mac) detail looks awful at even relatively small distances

(Mac) detail looks awful at even relatively small distances

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Posts: 274
Points on hand: 2,475.00 Points
And I can't figure out which setting to fiddle with to fix it. LOD isn't doing it and that's about all that's obvious, but I played around with background detail and anti-aliasing and the shadows, most things... but not in a methodical manner.

Does anyone have a thought at what settings to play with to try and fix this, or is it a Mac problem, or is it just that I'm on a relatively older machine? I think it's almost 4 years at this point.

Attached good example of the problem. Those catwalks actually have rails and that train looks terrible. For why?!

Screen Shot 2018-06-12 at 8.29.32 AM.png


Posts: 33
Points on hand: 4,311.00 Points
I have the same problem, but I have Windows 10. It seems the train loses its detail as it moves further away from the camera. There's got to be a way to make sure the train remains in full detail, even when its far away from the camera.

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