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Kentucky Kingdom 2019 - Kentucky Flyer: GG Family Wooden

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Kentucky Kingdom has posted this teaser to YouTube:

Based on Hart???s rumblings of a milestone attraction, ???hyper-style coaster??? arriving in the park for 2019, combined with the fact that he???s said that he loved working with B&M for Chang, I think this could finally be that long awaited 2019 announcement of the B&M Hyper. We know it???s gonna be a coaster because of the extensive amount of markers and footers near T3 and the waterpark. I see either the B&M hyper, or something 200ft+ (The area does have a clearance envelope that allows Kentucky Kingdom to build up to 250ft tall attractions I believe) like a dive coaster, which would be a huge marketing pull for the midwest; some enthusiasts have been reporting that Ed has asked them their thoughts on a dive coaster, so this is the next likely option in my opinion. No one has talked about this since the promised announcement date of April 2017, and now I think the hype train is FINALLY pulling out of the station.

We were promised both in April 2017, but the 2018 additions were announced in late 2017 and I guess the 2019 addition will be announced in late 2018.
Last edited by Kw6sTheater on September 24th, 2018, 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
1. Voyage 2. Intimidator 305 3. Maverick 4. Skyrush 5. Mindbender (Galaxyland) 6. Fury 325 7. Kumba 8. Goliath (Six Flags Over Georgia) 9. The Beast 10. Phoenix

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Didn't the park have a 150ft height limit and not 250?
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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
Didn't the park have a 150ft height limit and not 250?

Most parts have a 100ft height limit but theres a corner with 250ft limit
1. Voyage 2. Intimidator 305 3. Maverick 4. Skyrush 5. Mindbender (Galaxyland) 6. Fury 325 7. Kumba 8. Goliath (Six Flags Over Georgia) 9. The Beast 10. Phoenix

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Theoretically they could dig a 50 ft trench and add a giga coaster, then I'd have a giga right in my backyard. Tho I strongly doubt they're gonna do that.

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Maybe they bought Zaturn, unless I missed that its already going somewhere or being scrapped.
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MagnumFreak25 wrote:
Maybe they bought Zaturn, unless I missed that its already going somewhere or being scrapped.

I could see Zaturn going to Gardaland but not KK- Ed dislikes launch coasters and doesn't want to add one to the park
1. Voyage 2. Intimidator 305 3. Maverick 4. Skyrush 5. Mindbender (Galaxyland) 6. Fury 325 7. Kumba 8. Goliath (Six Flags Over Georgia) 9. The Beast 10. Phoenix

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Looks like whatever it is will be called Kentucky Flyers:

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So I looked on Instagram and saw a theory of Firehawk being moved to KK
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Any evidence?
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Apparently at Kings Island a sign appeared with the text: "The air is eerily calm as we make final preparations for the ill-fated demise of one of our own. RIP 10-28-2018" and some hashtags like #RestInPiecesKI and #ItsBigItsGone. Kentucky Flyer is the name for the new ride, so that instapage thought of a Flying Coaster for KK. And since that sign at KI appeared, they came up with this theory
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IDK how I'd feel about that if that's the case. I like Firehawk and would be neat to have that closer to home but at the same time I was kinda expecting something newer and less of a maintenance headache if Mr. Hart is making a big deal about this.

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RCT3andNL2stuff wrote:
Apparently at Kings Island a sign appeared with the text: "The air is eerily calm as we make final preparations for the ill-fated demise of one of our own. RIP 10-28-2018" and some hashtags like #RestInPiecesKI and #ItsBigItsGone. Kentucky Flyer is the name for the new ride, so that instapage thought of a Flying Coaster for KK. And since that sign at KI appeared, they came up with this theory

HA! No, Ed has stated this will be a HYPER STYLE COASTER and a MILESTONE ATTRACTION
1. Voyage 2. Intimidator 305 3. Maverick 4. Skyrush 5. Mindbender (Galaxyland) 6. Fury 325 7. Kumba 8. Goliath (Six Flags Over Georgia) 9. The Beast 10. Phoenix

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Kw6sTheater wrote:
HA! No, Ed has stated this will be a HYPER STYLE COASTER and a MILESTONE ATTRACTION

1-Millennium Force | 2-Intimidator 305 | 3-Fury 325
4-Skyrush | 5-Iron Rattler | 6-X2 | 7-Kingda Ka
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I wonder if they could be adding at least 2 things next year if someone reported construction by Eye of the Storm and land clearing/markers flanking the waterpark expansion and T3. If it is for a coaster, I wonder if it could be the same B&M one that Ed Hart wanted to build when KK was slated to reopen in 2012.

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Soko wrote:
I wonder if they could be adding at least 2 things next year if someone reported construction by Eye of the Storm and land clearing/markers flanking the waterpark expansion and T3. If it is for a coaster, I wonder if it could be the same B&M one that Ed Hart wanted to build when KK was slated to reopen in 2012.

Probably it is. However I see this as being a B&M Dive rather than a hyper. What if this coaster goes all the way to Eye of the Storm and back?! It???s very feasible, they could put it over the rapids (which has a lot of empty space) to go from Eye of the Storm and to T3.
1. Voyage 2. Intimidator 305 3. Maverick 4. Skyrush 5. Mindbender (Galaxyland) 6. Fury 325 7. Kumba 8. Goliath (Six Flags Over Georgia) 9. The Beast 10. Phoenix

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I had a dream earlier that they announced a 50 foot tall B&M invert with orange track, and it was called something like 'Daily Dog Sled'. Despite the height, it was not a family invert since the screenshot (for some reason there was no video) showed the typical drop followed by a vertical loop. I remember feeling insanely disappointed by both the announcement itself and the name.

I think it's pretty much guaranteed that the actual announcement will be more exciting than my dream, even if it's a flat ride, Firehawk relocation, or B&M hyper.
Kw6sTheater wrote:
to go from Eye of the Storm and to T3.

Or what if it went through Eye of the Storm?

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Soko wrote:
I had a dream earlier that they announced a 50 foot tall B&M invert with orange track, and it was called something like 'Daily Dog Sled'. Despite the height, it was not a family invert since the screenshot (for some reason there was no video) showed the typical drop followed by a vertical loop. I remember feeling insanely disappointed by both the announcement itself and the name.

I think it's pretty much guaranteed that the actual announcement will be more exciting than my dream, even if it's a flat ride, Firehawk relocation, or B&M hyper.
Kw6sTheater wrote:
to go from Eye of the Storm and to T3.

Or what if it went through Eye of the Storm?

We need to put your wack dream in the cool5 topic, or make XYZcoaster do a video of it. I doubt it will go through Eye of the Storm because of clearance issues.
Last edited by Kw6sTheater on May 16th, 2019, 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
1. Voyage 2. Intimidator 305 3. Maverick 4. Skyrush 5. Mindbender (Galaxyland) 6. Fury 325 7. Kumba 8. Goliath (Six Flags Over Georgia) 9. The Beast 10. Phoenix

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my bet is on water park expansion with possible a sky roller Flat ride. I don't see a coaster coming for the next 2-3 years.

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Watch it actually be a flyer.
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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

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IDK if this would even be feasible but I'd prefer a B&M flyer over Firehawk. I am morbidly curious about what a pretzel loop would feel like. I don't really remember exactly what Firehawk's loop felt like but I imagine that it's not really as powerful.

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deere839 wrote:
my bet is on water park expansion with possible a sky roller Flat ride. I don't see a coaster coming for the next 2-3 years.

My bet is on a B&M dive coaster for too many reasons. Ed has stated 2019 will be a milestone attraction, likely a hyper style coaster. With a dive he can get the 1 mil visitors per year attendance hes been striving for, an it would fit the theme of a biplane stunt show. Imagine the dives as stunts with the swoops into the sky. Heres what I think the rough layout will be, in red; and for reference, Skycatcher is on the area where they can build to 250ft in yellow.
1. Voyage 2. Intimidator 305 3. Maverick 4. Skyrush 5. Mindbender (Galaxyland) 6. Fury 325 7. Kumba 8. Goliath (Six Flags Over Georgia) 9. The Beast 10. Phoenix

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Soko, it's similar to Firehawk's loop, except instead of two strong presses into the seat separated by a moment of calm at the top of the loop, it's a transition to one longer moment of G force with the pause coming before and after the element.

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dcs221 wrote:
Soko, it's similar to Firehawk's loop, except instead of two strong presses into the seat separated by a moment of calm at the top of the loop, it's a transition to one longer moment of G force with the pause coming before and after the element.

Firehawk is being removed. Sh!t i thought vortex couldve fit a giga better
1. Voyage 2. Intimidator 305 3. Maverick 4. Skyrush 5. Mindbender (Galaxyland) 6. Fury 325 7. Kumba 8. Goliath (Six Flags Over Georgia) 9. The Beast 10. Phoenix

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Kw6sTheater wrote:
My bet is on a B&M dive coaster for too many reasons.

That kinda reminds me that sometime before the KK reopening plans were officially announced, there was this multi-page document that Ed Hart had made about future attractions where he mentioned wanting a Chang replacement, and it showed what looked like a compact dive machine layout next to the waterpark (about where that waterslide complex and Skycatcher are). Another thing I remembered about it was what looked like an out-and-back wooden coaster layout where Lightning Run is.


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