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I saw The Passion of Christ today.

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Post March 7th, 2004, 9:43 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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And it was depressing, scary, religious, and bloody all at the same time. But I would see it again if Satan didn't scare me so much. Especially with all those demons. *shutters* So how many of you people have seen the movie, and why??? Religion, just wanted to see it, other reasons, ect.

Post March 8th, 2004, 2:32 am
Oscar User avatar
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I have not seen it, and I am not religious in any way, meaning I don't believe in any religion, but I would like to see it to see "the story" The previews look pretty cool, maybe I'll take my girl to see it. Scare her up or something.

Post March 8th, 2004, 9:22 am

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Why dont you believe in Jesus? Back to the topic. No, I have not seen it,but it looks interesting.

Post March 8th, 2004, 10:39 am
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I didn't say I did not believe in Jesus, I just said I was not religious.

Post March 8th, 2004, 10:54 am

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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

I didn't say I did not believe in Jesus, I just said I was not religious.

You better go to church boy!!! [lol]

Post March 8th, 2004, 10:57 am
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Post March 8th, 2004, 2:36 pm

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Do you think that christians should watch the film? @thecool326


Post March 8th, 2004, 2:55 pm

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Jesus is roaming in my nieghbours garden at the moment. Aint been able to shake him off ever since i caught him. 'Hell' he's one good miricle worker tho (hmm)

I also dont be beleive in religion, just seems plain stupid to me. My only religion is science. Im suposed to beleive that God made 2 people and that was it. No mention of dinosaurs or any previous exsistance when its known they onmce exsisted. Thats plain dumb.. Also Noah's Ark story... thats also plain bumd. Your meant to tell me the sea level 'magicly' just raised sveral thousand feet. Where the hell did all the acces water come from eh?

Post March 8th, 2004, 3:37 pm
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[lol] @ edge, better question is where did all the other water go to and how did we end up with so many races. [:)] I am not even gonna go into this topic deeper, I know I'll cause people to rage with my views on stuff [:)] So to each their own [:D]

Post March 8th, 2004, 4:52 pm

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Bino, one of my friends is Christian that saw it and he said it was very good.

About religions and stuff:
Edge, even religious people know that the Adam and Eve story isn't true [;)] (or at least the religion that I know) Its just some [r] story that was meant to be some kind of myth or something. God didn't really create humans, he created life, but humans started out as stars actually. After The Big Bang occured and everything, some of the atoms began linking to form different things, and eventually dinosaurs and birds formed (LONG after The Big Bang Occured) but God was the one who started everything, and set how everything was going to happen from the beginning, even before there was a universe.

Post March 8th, 2004, 5:18 pm

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Well I already went off on this somewhere else, so I''l keep my views brief here...

I don't consider myself religious either, but I do believe that there is a force of creation that we might call "God." I am a scientist, and the more science I learn, the more I tend to believe that all this didn't just "happen." I am very skeptical of long-established belief systems like Christianity because its message has been passed through people for so long that today it is more of a creation of man than of God. I think if you want to know God, you shouldn't read some book written and translated by men, rather you should look directly at the world he has created.

Anyway, even if I was a practicing Christian, I would not see Passions because it is blantant marketing of religion for profit. You can buy Jesus hats, T-shirts, necklaces, etc. at your local stores. Does no one else find this extremely offensive? Just any kind of marketing of religion I think is pretty low. If rich Mel Gibson really just wanted to spread "the word," then he could have paid for the movie himself and made it free admission. It is this kind of exploitation of people's beliefs that turned me off of religion in the first place, and I hope it opens some people's eyes to the fact that their church's faith is as much about politics and money as it is about God.

Post March 8th, 2004, 5:41 pm
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also don;t forget, there are religions that exploit the people. They ask for X percentage of their weekly work checks and what not. I know this cuz I have a few relatives that have come across this.

Post March 8th, 2004, 5:53 pm

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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

also don;t forget, there are religions that exploit the people. They ask for X percentage of their weekly work checks and what not. I know this cuz I have a few relatives that have come across this.

Only a VERY small percent, mostly everyone gives them $1/week, and thats just optional if you want to donate money to help the church with their financial expenses.

Post March 8th, 2004, 6:15 pm

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so what your saying is, that if we turn into a church, we can get $1/week off each member. Now thats not a half bad idea IF [;)]

The worst religous people imo are (errm no idea on spelling) Jo-ho-ver (sp? wtf), you know those people that come round your house. They have radical views. There was this girl that would not take God doesnt exsist as a anwser. She reminded me several times on how i would be burnt by luicifer...she liked me like that, and most of the time would get into a blind rage if you said something that she didnt think was right, such as dinosaurs etc. Oh but did we have fun when christmas came round........

Post March 8th, 2004, 7:23 pm

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I really want to see the movies, but i rarley go to the movie thethers (there isnt one within 45mins of our house). I'll probibally get it when it comes out on DVD. I think it's a good idea to make a movie based on Jesus's last day(s), but i believe that it's a big money thing to.

Post March 8th, 2004, 7:53 pm

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Originally posted by pacoasterrider

I really want to see the movies, but i rarley go to the movie thethers (there isnt one within 45mins of our house). I'll probibally get it when it comes out on DVD. I think it's a good idea to make a movie based on Jesus's last day(s), but i believe that it's a big money thing to.

The same situation with me, but whats this i hear that it offends Jews? Oh well, the Pastor at my church said we should see it, because its an "accurate" portrayel of the story of Jesus Christ. My only problem is that its not in english, so its dubbed and i have a tendancy to turn my head from the screen from time to time when i watch movies. I'll most likely get it on DVD, and possibly they will have the english voice track for it.
This for the edge-
You said "I also dont be beleive in religion, just seems plain stupid to me" You should say somthing else other than religion, because there are many other religions out there dont dont just have one god, who created just 2 people. Also, dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible, i forgot which book and verse, but when i find it i will tell you. And the whole Noah Arc thing, it is farfecthed, but today, with all of the global warming, the polar icecaps are melting and the sea levels are raising. Scientifically speaking, how was the universe created? Are you saying, just one big bang created life? It created those tiny little organisms that we just "evolved" from? I am not dissing science, because science can explain many things, but most of these scientifical things are just theories, and we dont know if it is true or not, but we have faith thats its true, just like people have faith that God exist. You are entitled to your own opinion, but just dont call someones belief dumb, because it is offensive, and you can rephrase it differntly so that it doesnt make you look like a jackass

Post March 8th, 2004, 8:14 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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Originally posted by rctycoon112

Scientifically speaking, how was the universe created? Are you saying, just one big bang created life? It created those tiny little organisms that we just "evolved" from? I am not dissing science, because science can explain many things, but most of these scientifical things are just theories, and we dont know if it is true or not, but we have faith thats its true, just like people have faith that God exist. You are entitled to your own opinion, but just dont call someones belief dumb, because it is offensive, and you can rephrase it differntly so that it doesnt make you look like a jackass



Post March 8th, 2004, 8:35 pm

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Originally posted by GO

I aint seein it cause its kinda against the 1st amendment in the constitution but I ain raisin no court session LOL

Its not really against it, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
THe press can also be the media i guess, its just the government cant really be pro any particular religion[;)]

Post March 8th, 2004, 8:36 pm

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Originally posted by rctycoon112

Originally posted by pacoasterrider

I really want to see the movies, but i rarley go to the movie thethers (there isnt one within 45mins of our house). I'll probibally get it when it comes out on DVD. I think it's a good idea to make a movie based on Jesus's last day(s), but i believe that it's a big money thing to.

The same situation with me, but whats this i hear that it offends Jews? Oh well, the Pastor at my church said we should see it, because its an "accurate" portrayel of the story of Jesus Christ. My only problem is that its not in english, so its dubbed and i have a tendancy to turn my head from the screen from time to time when i watch movies. I'll most likely get it on DVD, and possibly they will have the english voice track for it.
This for the edge-
You said "I also dont be beleive in religion, just seems plain stupid to me" You should say somthing else other than religion, because there are many other religions out there dont dont just have one god, who created just 2 people. Also, dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible, i forgot which book and verse, but when i find it i will tell you. And the whole Noah Arc thing, it is farfecthed, but today, with all of the global warming, the polar icecaps are melting and the sea levels are raising. Scientifically speaking, how was the universe created? Are you saying, just one big bang created life? It created those tiny little organisms that we just "evolved" from? I am not dissing science, because science can explain many things, but most of these scientifical things are just theories, and we dont know if it is true or not, but we have faith thats its true, just like people have faith that God exist. You are entitled to your own opinion, but just dont call someones belief dumb, because it is offensive, and you can rephrase it differntly so that it doesnt make you look like a jackass

Nicely said. ***Claps*** [^]

Post March 8th, 2004, 8:58 pm

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Originally posted by rctycoon112

Originally posted by pacoasterrider

I really want to see the movies, but i rarley go to the movie thethers (there isnt one within 45mins of our house). I'll probibally get it when it comes out on DVD. I think it's a good idea to make a movie based on Jesus's last day(s), but i believe that it's a big money thing to.

The same situation with me, but whats this i hear that it offends Jews? Oh well, the Pastor at my church said we should see it, because its an "accurate" portrayel of the story of Jesus Christ. My only problem is that its not in english, so its dubbed and i have a tendancy to turn my head from the screen from time to time when i watch movies. I'll most likely get it on DVD, and possibly they will have the english voice track for it.
This for the edge-
You said "I also dont be beleive in religion, just seems plain stupid to me" You should say somthing else other than religion, because there are many other religions out there dont dont just have one god, who created just 2 people. Also, dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible, i forgot which book and verse, but when i find it i will tell you. And the whole Noah Arc thing, it is farfecthed, but today, with all of the global warming, the polar icecaps are melting and the sea levels are raising. Scientifically speaking, how was the universe created? Are you saying, just one big bang created life? It created those tiny little organisms that we just "evolved" from? I am not dissing science, because science can explain many things, but most of these scientifical things are just theories, and we dont know if it is true or not, but we have faith thats its true, just like people have faith that God exist. You are entitled to your own opinion, but just dont call someones belief dumb, because it is offensive, and you can rephrase it differntly so that it doesnt make you look like a jackass

preach the good word rcttycoon! I'm christian myself, but when i saw the movie i didn't expect jesus's death to be sooo bloody![:O]

Post March 8th, 2004, 9:20 pm

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I am christian as well, my brother has seen the movie 3 times! ( he has been saved) But some one on this topic said something like, if mel gibson wanted to spread the word, how come he didn't pay for it his self and make it free. Well, he did pay for most of it and it's not up to him to make it free. Thats the theaters choice. If it was free, they (theater) wouldn't get any money( even though they have anuf for thier over priced candy) I my self have not yet seen it. I was thinking about going next weekend with my friend.

Post March 8th, 2004, 10:11 pm

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Originally posted by rctycoon112

Originally posted by pacoasterrider

I really want to see the movies, but i rarley go to the movie thethers (there isnt one within 45mins of our house). I'll probibally get it when it comes out on DVD. I think it's a good idea to make a movie based on Jesus's last day(s), but i believe that it's a big money thing to.

The same situation with me, but whats this i hear that it offends Jews? Oh well, the Pastor at my church said we should see it, because its an "accurate" portrayel of the story of Jesus Christ. My only problem is that its not in english, so its dubbed and i have a tendancy to turn my head from the screen from time to time when i watch movies. I'll most likely get it on DVD, and possibly they will have the english voice track for it.
This for the edge-
You said "I also dont be beleive in religion, just seems plain stupid to me" You should say somthing else other than religion, because there are many other religions out there dont dont just have one god, who created just 2 people. Also, dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible, i forgot which book and verse, but when i find it i will tell you. And the whole Noah Arc thing, it is farfecthed, but today, with all of the global warming, the polar icecaps are melting and the sea levels are raising. Scientifically speaking, how was the universe created? Are you saying, just one big bang created life? It created those tiny little organisms that we just "evolved" from? I am not dissing science, because science can explain many things, but most of these scientifical things are just theories, and we dont know if it is true or not, but we have faith thats its true, just like people have faith that God exist. You are entitled to your own opinion, but just dont call someones belief dumb, because it is offensive, and you can rephrase it differntly so that it doesnt make you look like a jackass

Amen brother, nicely said. Our pastor said the same thing, that it's accurate (im christian) and go ahead and diss science! Yea we were once monkeys, that's bull. And the earth was once dust. Even more bull.

Post March 8th, 2004, 10:23 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Well actually the Earth was once dust. But the monkey's and everything else is a misinterpretation of Darwin's Theory. Yeah but it's a good movie, If exorcist scared, Im sure this will scare you, I kept on having demonic dreams last night, so did my other friend when he saw it, so I recomend seeing it when you don't have to do something the next day.
And it isn't dubbed, it's subtitled. It was made to be spoken in some dead language I don't even know how they were able to speak accurate, if it was accurate, and when you leave the movie, you feel like there weren't any subtitles, like they were speaking English all along. And this movie is not for the squeemish, at all, It's not the bloody movie I've seen, but it's still kinda bloody.

Post March 8th, 2004, 11:04 pm

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Im catholic to, but not yet have seen it. I will eventually cause I got a free ticket at the rave theater down here in Pensacola FL because before LOTR Return of the King started, the film messed up for a couple of minutes, and after the movie, they handed out free tickets!:) I beleive what I want to believe, I go to church every sunday and thats good enough for me. Im not a seriouse catholic like my cousins, they go to mass every day, and say prayers for at least 10 minutes three times a day. I haven't seen the Exorcist yet either, but my dad has it on DVD with cut out scenes. I think that the Passion will be good. But if you could get bad dreams from the demons, then I will have bad dreams for a bit. Or really weird dreams. Down here a lady passed out during the crucifixion and was taken to the hospital and then died. It freaked me out for a second after I heard that. Did you know that in a certain country some people reinact the Crucifixion and really crucify a person, but they dont let him die, but they do hammer nails in his hands and feet. I saw it on Ripley's. Im kinda partial to how science said we got here, and how the bible said we got here. I guess I really don't know what to believe.

Post March 8th, 2004, 11:17 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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hey masterchief, does Catholic people still believe in pergatory or was that just a scam in the very old day that made people pay up money to the curch???


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