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Paultons Park 2021 - Tornado Springs: New Expansion

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Traintastic26 News Writer
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Seems like Paultons Park are readying their next big expansion for 2020 after the Lost Kingdom in 2016 and the Peppa Pig expansion in 2018.

To start with, several new trademarks were filed throughout last summer. These include:

Route 83: Which for a new attraction or ride
AL's Auto Academy: Which is for a driving academy style ride
Storm Chaser: Which is for a coaster
Tornado Springs: Which is the name of area
AL's General Store: Which is for a themed retail shop

Next is that a twitter account by the name of Tornado Springs has been discovered and is hiring for a restaurant manager, head chief, waiters and waitresses.

Also, James Mancey, the operations manager of Paultons Park shared this poster for Tornado Springs in Instagram:


In terms for where this land is potentially going, this is rumoured to be going in the large empty field between the car park and Peppa Pig World on the east side of park. It's also been reported that the Flamingo and Pelican exhibits are being relocated to another location in the park to make room for the new land. This some of the early work going on from November 2018:







I really look forward to seeing how this develops as I've went to Paultons Park myself in late September of this year and actually saw some of the early work going on for what is rumoured to be the new area. Definitely going to be checking this out went it opens in Spring 2020.

Sources: ... n=1&page=1 ... fall-2018/
Last edited by Traintastic26 on April 23rd, 2020, 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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I???ve heard about this expansion and have studied it as a coaster nerd. I think Route 83 will be the retheme of the Antique Cars ride BORDERING this plot of land, and Al???s Auto Academy will be as you already suggested a driving school ride (like this, I???m not sure of its model name or manufacturer Al???s General Store will probably be shop for said ride, and the merchandise location for the entire area. Now Storm Chaser is an interesting notion??? I could see one of three different coaster models being built here. First up is a Zierer ESC, like one of these ( Another option I???d like to wager is a Gravity Group kiddy wooden coaster; I do think that Paultons could score a huge hit with this, as it???d attract the British themepark enthusiasts as well as the public with teens. You could market this as ???a thrill for ALL AGES??? and it???d still be a great fit, as well as a cheap investment compared to other family coaster models. Third option would be a spinning coaster. Storm could maybe mean like spinning as in the winds are pushing your car around. I would guess that MACK would manufacture this, as Paultons already has a Gerstlauer bobsled. But this is still exciting nevertheless, as Paultons has lots of dedication.
Last edited by Kw6sTheater on May 2nd, 2019, 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unlikely to be a wooden coaster in all honesty, as much as I'd like it to they're a difficult sell in the UK, especially in the South.
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Would surprise me if it's a really small Gerst or Vekoma.
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Traintastic26 News Writer
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The park is doing a very interesting teaser campaign as several twitter accounts linked to Tornado Springs have been discovered: This is believe will be the name of a restaurant in the area.


The last two twitter accounts might have a connection with the rumoured coaster. But either way, i look forward what comes out of this.

EDIT: Found two more:

Traintastic26 News Writer
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Park map has been updated with the location of Tornado Springs:


EDIT: Here's a good construction update from Coaster Connection of Tornado Springs:

I also want to add that, one thing that has shocked me about this project is how much land this is taking up. I originally thought it was just going in the field next to Wave Runner/Peppa Pig World. But it's seems like the Adventure Golf, Gold Rush Falls and Tiny Tots Town are being demolished and the land available will be used as part of the new area. The train has also been closed and partly demolish while construction work is going on and hopefully will reopen when the area is finished. I also believe, looking at the map, that the Trekking Tractors will be re themed at some point to fit in with the new area.

This is certainly going to be an interesting project to follow going forward.


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I'm really curious about this one as well because it seems that park has almost everything family coaster wise a park could ever need. Time for something a little bigger (or a spinner lol).
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Traintastic26 News Writer
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These couple of Tweets appeared recently on Tornado Springs twitter account:

Heads up folks... Storm Mac is heading our way this #ValentinesDay . It's looking like a category 3 at the moment. Stay safe with your loved ones. #TornadoSprings


???????????? We have an official update for the residents and guests of #TornadoSprings :


Looks like we could be seeing an annoucement on Tornado Springs very soon.

Sources: ... 5318253568 ... 0054969349

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Can???t wait to find out what it is, judging by how high-quality and well thought out Paultons??? additions have been this is shaping up to be spectacular! Just wishing a coaster was involved. Maybe a Gravity Group kids wooden coaster as I reiterated before.
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Tornado, spinning...
Im guessing some sort of spinning coaster or fast-spinning ride
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Traintastic26 News Writer
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I believe this image is of the Tornado Springs construction site:

Wow, that Tornado was unreal - look at the damage it's caused! Time to start rebuilding I guess....#StormMac #TornadoSprings


Source: ... 0021369856

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I just realized... OOF THERE GOES THE PARK RAILROAD! Another One Bites the Dust.
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Traintastic26 News Writer
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Kw6sTheater wrote:
I just realized... OOF THERE GOES THE PARK RAILROAD! Another One Bites the Dust.

Well.... Just while the park builds the new land. I pretty sure it will reopen with the new land in 2020.

EDIT: Just seen his tweet from one of the Tornado Springs Twitter accounts. It seems to confirm that the train won't return until 2020: ... 4417177601

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When will we get an actual announcement for this land?
1. Voyage 2. Intimidator 305 3. Maverick 4. Skyrush 5. Mindbender (Galaxyland) 6. Fury 325 7. Kumba 8. Goliath (Six Flags Over Georgia) 9. The Beast 10. Phoenix

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Traintastic26 News Writer
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This was in the recent Season Ticket News update on the parks website:

You may notice!

Okay, okay so you may notice some significant changes taking place over by the Victorian Carousel and Station restaurant. We are busy building something super exciting for the future and unfortunately this does mean that the Rio Grande Train will be unavailable for this season and both the Wave Runner and the Trekking Tractors may also be unavailable at certain times of the year ??? please check here for updates. However, we promise you are going to love the finished result and it will absolutely be worth the wait! It is going to be the biggest project we have ever undertaken with something to excite and delight all ages! We shall be revealing more about this as the year goes on.. @TornadoSprings

Source: ... ruary-2019

Traintastic26 News Writer
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Traintastic26 wrote:
Is that a Mack Spinning Coaster i can see?



Got a feeling that "Buffalo Falls" will be a re-themed Wave Runner. :idea:

Traintastic26 News Writer
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Just realised something:

The coaster you see in the poster...

Tornado Springs Coaster.PNG
Tornado Springs Coaster.PNG (395.66 KiB) Viewed 12168 times from the thumbnail of this video:

I'm not implying that this will/won't be an extreme version of Mack's Spinning Coaster, but it seems weird that the coaster seen in the poster is actually something that was made on No Limits 2.

mkingy User avatar

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Nice spot! I can't quite see Paulton's building something that intense but I'd love to be wrong!
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Personally I'm hoping to see like another one of those insane Intamin Spinners. :lol:
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mkingy wrote:
Nice spot! I can't quite see Paulton's building something that intense but I'd love to be wrong!

Yeah I agree. Would be awesome if they have decided to branch out into the thrill market! :)

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umm so are we just gonna gloss over the fact that Mack Rides were literally at the park in october. I think the evidence is stacking up for some kind of mack spinner. I think an extreme one given that it is the biggest investment they have ever undertaken ... =3&theater

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