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Emphasis, Intamin Standup

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Post June 1st, 2019, 10:11 am

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Intamin Standup. I tried to get the shaping very accurate based on Hyperion and the new 2021 coasters, and I think it turned out great!

My computer sucks, so I won't be doing any scenery, just supports. Stay tuned!

I spent a lot of time making sure all the valleys (except for the turnaround twistyness) are at exactly 3.6 meters, the return home is exactly parallel, and everything else is geometrically correct, so I'm very proud of my track work here.

??? 85 degree drop with up to -1.2 G
??? -1.5 G Airtime Hill
??? Maximum Outward Bank Airtime Hill at 90 degrees pulling up to -1.5 G
??? Non-Inverting 'Wide' Loop with -0.5 G Airtime
??? High speed turn
??? 90 degree Wall Stall with 0 G Airtime
??? Airtime Hills pulling -1.2, -1.3, and -1.4 G
??? Jump into Brake at -1.5 G

I like a straight section before my lift, I know in real life Intamin doesn't do that.
[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

Post June 4th, 2019, 4:00 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Even though ejector airtime on stand-up coasters is just plain awesome. I do feel that -1,5g may be a little too much.
Otherwise this project looks great!
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
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Post June 4th, 2019, 7:54 pm

Posts: 2914
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You know, I think you're right haha. That might be spine crushing for fat people, with all the force on their shoulders. I think it would need some sort of vest or flying coaster type restraint. Anyway, thank you man!
[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

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