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Keeping track of your collection

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Post June 24th, 2019, 8:12 am
Coasternews User avatar
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Hello everyone it has been a while.

I am currently working on a new project and I need some feedback. I am currently building a website which was initially meant for keeping track of my theme park collection. But I thought why not make it a platform where everyone can keep track of their collection and share it with others. there are currently a few pieces of my own collection on the website and I am still entering more onto the site. The software behind the site is originally used for webshops but after tweaking the the settings I was able to make it perform as a site where it only displays the item without buying options or prices.

People are still able to contact different people(vendors as they are called in the software) to talk to people about their collection or perhaps make a trade.

I am looking for some people to test out the site and give feedback. The site is currently only used for displaying souvenirs in the future I am planning to also add brochures and park maps.

If anyone would like to test the site out and give some feedback please let me know.
The site is :

Post June 24th, 2019, 9:22 am

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Coasternews wrote:
Hello everyone it has been a while.

I am currently working on a new project and I need some feedback. I am currently building a website which was initially meant for keeping track of my theme park collection. But I thought why not make it a platform where everyone can keep track of their collection and share it with others. there are currently a few pieces of my own collection on the website and I am still entering more onto the site. The software behind the site is originally used for webshops but after tweaking the the settings I was able to make it perform as a site where it only displays the item without buying options or prices.

People are still able to contact different people(vendors as they are called in the software) to talk to people about their collection or perhaps make a trade.

I am looking for some people to test out the site and give feedback. The site is currently only used for displaying souvenirs in the future I am planning to also add brochures and park maps.

If anyone would like to test the site out and give some feedback please let me know.
The site is :

I would but its mostly in German. Could you add an english version?

Post June 24th, 2019, 11:54 am
Coasternews User avatar
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Posts: 19
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Location: groningen, Netherlands

I think you mean dutch as far as I know there isn't a German version. On the top of the page you should be able to change the language to english.

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