CCI is famous for building many of the woodies the world knows today. Since CCI is a company which likes to keep groing they decided to bring a new standard layout on the market. Since the out and back style fits most parks the layout has to be in out and back style. CCI is really looking for a stunning track which has the potential of becoming as popular as the Vekoma SLC. It has to be original, full of airtime, adrenaline from start to finish. In this round we'll see if you know what it takes to set the new standard for wooden coasters.
Because CCI usually runs with PTC trains you have to use the classic 4 or the classic 6 seater track style. It is up to you to decide which train style will fit your idea best.
Round 2 of the No Limits tournament.
This round is not going to be easy, there will be way more restrictions than in the previous round and the key to a good woody is creativity. Something I never really got the hang of myself [:P]

Unlike the previous round there is a template now. The template is quite big which means you have some room to sway from the right to the left. It also offers some extra room near the end of the course so it's easier to make a stunning element to change direction. The station building has to be placed inside the area which is marked with the X. Do not delete the template border when you are finished!
As you might understand from the story, realism will be an important factor in this round of the tournament. So if you think you got a great idea and build a vertical lift this will minimize your chances of beating your opponent. Keep in mind to go easy on the bankings?????????
Download the template here
The rules:
- Track style must be classic wooden 4 or 6 seat
- There is no height limit
- G Force limits: Vert.: -2G / + 5.5G Lat.: -2G / + 2G Acc: -3G / + 5G
- Supports may be placed outside of the template borders
- Coaster must run with 3 or more trains.
- When using 4 seat cars: each train must have 6 or more cars.
When using 6 seat cars: each train must have 4 or more cars. - Dueling/racing coaster is allowed. Keep in mind this round is all about realism though.
- You may not submit old tracks. (this means you have to create a new track for this contest and not just take an old design of yours which fits the rules)
- All NL tools are allowed, including the terraformer. However, take it easy with the terraformer. This ride has to fit in any park, so you can't build it on a mountain or something. However small land features, water elements, tunnels and trees are allowed.
- Shuttle coasters are not allowed.
- Inversions are not allowed
- All additional theming is allowed and will be awarded with small bonuses.
- Submit your track at gforceaddict@coastercrazy.com
[*]Deadline: 28th of March 23:59 GMT (= 18:59 EST)
Download the template here
This tutorial might come in handy if you are going to create cartextures. You can also download worksheets for the wooden coasters there.
This tutorial might come in handy if you want to create a custom environment.
This tool might come in handy if you don't have the new toolbox and want to improve your framerate.
Who will you be facing?
In round two you?????????ll be duelling. This means it is a 1 vs. 1 competition. The winner of each group will advance to the next round.
Group 1: The Edge vs. Bino Maus
Group 2: Montu vs. Buster
Group 3: Scarletfire vs. cjd
Group 4: Bockzilla vs. Hansixx
whitewolf2759, WeeWeeSlap, coaster992001, tarzanman 11514, Screamomactic, coasterke, GRIM, coasterkidmwm and thecool326
Green: Track recieved
Red: The person dropped out
Orange: Problem with file
White: Waiting for track
Number in brackets: number of times I recieved a trackfile
So what are the reserves for?
If you are a reserve you also have to build and submit a track. When someone drops out from the normal competition your track will jump in. If your track wins, you?????????ll stay in the main contest and proceed to the next round.
Example: Buster drops out from group 2. This means a reserve will jump in.
The reserve that submitted his track the fastest will jump in.
Example: I received two tracks, first one from WeeWeeSlap at March 26 and I received a second track from Coaster Individual, this means WeeWeeslap will fill up the gap that Buster left for him.

Questions & Answers
If you have any questions you can post them in this topic. I will try to answer your question A.S.A.P. Your question and the answer will be posted under this header.