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New RMC Inspired Hybrid - New 'Lateral Teaser Hill' Element

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Hello! I am Jcoasters. I have established a new company, and our first coaster is being built. It is heavily inspired by our friends at RMC.

Featuring a unique 'Lateral Teaser Hill' that tricks the rider into thinking the lateral sensations are over, returning briefly to 0 G, only to be slammed to the side again, all while experiencing sustained ejector airtime.

The name is yet to be revealed, but here are some statistics:

??? 100 degree 79 m drop
??? 138 kph/85 mph max speed
??? Special 'Lateral Teaser' ejector hill!
??? Stall up cliff
??? 90 degree ejector wave turn over cliff



[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

Posts: 3153
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I think your layout is beautiful and some of the design features are clever. The wave turn at the edge of the hill was cool, and I liked the flat (both banked and unbanked) turns in the middle of the layout. A couple things took me out of the experience...that really oddly shaped first drop, and the quickness/tightness of some of the banking transitions. They *seem* like they might be a bit too much for the trains or riders. The overall design is cool, though I'm not sure I'd expect a 260 or so foot tall wooden structure coaster anytime soon.

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Thanks for your feedback!

Yeah, I never imagined such a tall structure made of wood, it's just my computer sucks too much to do custom supports. Here's a better video with as much scenery as I can handle with 30 seconds of lag after each movement.

I agree the transitions are very quick, but all the G's are manageable. This is very intense coaster! That's the reason for the tame middle section.

The drop is designed to pull up to -1 G in the front, and -2.0 in the very back, albeit for a short time. The valley of the drop is where the most force is, it's not constant.

The ride regularly pulls -2.0 G, albeit within ANSI standards mostly haha. There are some times where it goes slightly longer, but definitely nothing near the prone restraint category released on No Limits Exchange Forums. The first air hill, for example, sustains at -1.4 - 1.5 ish with a slight spike at -1.6 (maybe-1.7) in the front and back during the apex. There are also two -0.1 hills thrown in for good measure, that -1.5 twisting hill before the 90 degree bank, which itself, reaches -2.0 at the most during the apex, briefly, beginning and returning at -1.3 or something. The micro bunnies hit -2.0. The transtions in the turnaround and roll into the stall hit -1.7 briefly, or something. The lateral G's never get above 1.5, typically around 1.2 ish

Vertical G's reach up to 4.9 I think.
[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

Posts: 3153
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Bank: 6,969.69 Points
Yeah I think your forces are too much if you want this to pass as a realistic coaster. You have to figure -2G is probably as high as any coaster has ever gone (outside of some very unusual situations) and you have that force as a norm. It's a huge coaster with a long duration, so there's a certain point where strong airtime goes from being exciting to a test of endurance. Think of how an instant shot of twice your body weight against a lapbar will feel on your thighs, then consider you're doing it over and over on the ride. Also 4.9 I'm sure is too high for a wooden structure. If you must have that force and you want the ride to be realistic, I think your entire structure at that point needs to be steel.

Anyways still a super cool design, but to be realistic it needs tweaks to reduce forces and banking quickness for rideability. Reminds me of my own progression in NL...really cool designs but over the top in the same ways, then dialed back to be just as awesome, but also realistic.

Posts: 2914
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I've seen woodies that are listed as going to 4.5 I'm 100% sure, what's 4.9?

The negative G's are totally safe according to government standards according to my documents, albeit for the prone restraints. But even then, they barely go outside of normal lapbar. It is really harsh, this would be like the #1 harsh machine lol, as it's meant to be. There are other rides that reach this level of G force, just not as many times in a layout. That's there a long middle section, as a breather. If Six Flags is ok with relocating Green Lantern SFMM, then this is way ok.
[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

Posts: 3153
Points on hand: 2,842.21 Points
Bank: 6,969.69 Points
There's a difference between something being safe and comfortable. I think with the durations, quick onsets of forces, magnitudes, and quantities some of your ride would be painful. Just my opinion though, it's your ride.

One last unrelated thing, there's a big change in energy exiting that last helix. It's so forceful, then the hill exiting is so relaxed by comparison. I think riders would get the same feeling I did on I305 hitting that trim hill. The rest is still exciting, but with such a big drop in energy, it feels like a letdown in relation. I think that's the only layout feature I didn't like, with the rest of the layout being so good and only execution needing a bit of work.

Anyways I'm out, best of luck with your coaster! Hope to see you finish it up and present it real nice :)

Posts: 92
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I read through some of this yesterday and thought to share some concerns, but refrained so as to give it a little thought. Came back to say a few words, but now I can say that I agree with dcs on pretty much every point; would say it in almost the same way too.

-2.0 g's is certainly uncomfortable, if not painful with how frequently your ride pulls that hard. RMC restraints are nice and huggy, as far as roller coaster restraints are concerned, but 2.0 g's going into the tops of your thighs over the area of approximately a 2x4 isn't nice.

The big point here is that "safe" isn't "good."

I don't like the layout as much, but that might have a lot to do with it being a bit contrived up on that square 'hill.' After some polish is added and the surrounding areas look more natural, it may be easier to sway me. (I personally like No Limits projects to feel like they're cut from real life. 90 degree angles and huge, perfectly flat clearings don't happen often in real life.)

Lastly, from the thread I think you got your g-force information from:
Note that for a realistic coaster, the limits seen here are absolute and are NOT to be treated as target G-values/durations.

Posts: 2914
Points on hand: 5,657.00 Points
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Alright, thanks for the feedback. I've never ridden El Toror or Skyrush, so I really have no idea.

That's always my feedback though :lol: Like last time, when I made a Standup that hit -1.5 G's :D

Vest Restraints [lol]

[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

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