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Parc Ast??rix 2021 - LSM Launch Coaster

Theme Park Construction And News Forum

Post November 19th, 2018, 11:13 pm

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It almost feels like Alan Schlike designed it and used Intamin's technology.
What are these for?

Post November 20th, 2018, 12:11 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Honestly it's almost like Intamin looked around and was like "yeah we should do drugs again"
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Post November 21st, 2018, 1:30 pm

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I'll echo what others have said about the holding brake. Not really my thing, but non-enthusiasts will eat it up. Otherwise I think the layout and sheer scope of this thing looks great, though hopefully they finesse some of the randomness out of it by the time they finalize it.

Traintastic26 News Writer
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Well turns out this has been delayed till 2022 since some parts of the forest around the area where this is going are protected: ... -1121.html

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Oh God damn it.
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Post November 13th, 2019, 6:54 am

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The launch coaster may have been delayed to 2022, something else might happen in 2021...

Renovation for wooden coaster Parc Ast??rix: conversion to hybrid coaster?

One of the most intense wooden rollercoasters in Europe will be renovated. French themepark Parc Ast??rix is going to renovate the Tonnerre de Zeus rollercoaster.
That raises the question of the attraction will be receiving the same treatment as the old wooden roller coaster Robin Hood in Walibi Holland.

Robin Hood was transformed into Untamed one year ago: an hybrid coaster with wooden supports and steel track with inversions. The American company Rocky Mountain Construction (RMC) was hired to convert the ride. Walibi Holland and Parc Ast??rix are both owned by Compagnie des Alpes. May RMC now also work in France?

"I can confirm that Tonnerre de Zeus will be renovated for the 2021 season", reports a spokeswoman from Parc Ast??rix to Looopings. "It is not yet possible to say which company will be involved"

RMC-spokeswoman Amy Garcia reacts surprised when we call her to ask about the project. "Where did you get this information from?", laat ze weten. "I can neither confirm nor deny that we are involved in this project. We cannot say anything about ongoing projects until the park itself makes an official announcement."

Tonnerre de Zeus, opened in 1997, was builtby the now defunct manufacturer Custom Coasters International. The ride is thirty meters high and more than 1200 meters long. Trains reach a top speed of 83.7 kilometers per hour during a ride.

Parc Ast??rix also has plans for the construction of a tens of meters high launch roller coaster with special elements. The opening should have taken place in 2021, but the project has been delayed to 2022.

RMC Tonnerre de Zeus or just a large retrack?
Last edited by RCT3andNL2stuff on November 13th, 2019, 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post November 13th, 2019, 9:15 am

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I'm in the camp that thinks it's gonna be a retrack. While an RMC conversion would be rad, I've heard nothing but positive things about this coaster, and the public seems to love it just as much.
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Post November 13th, 2019, 12:10 pm

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What about a retrack form RMC just like Tremors, Rattler & Gerogia Cyclone (before their Iron Horse treatment)

Post November 13th, 2019, 1:33 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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I hope it's just a normal retrack. <3 Would be sad seeing one of the better woodies from Europe getting demolished. :C
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Another delay, 2023 it is for now

*Likes Taron, Untamed, Troy and Colorado Adventure a lot*


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