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Why is 6 Flags selling there parks?? Ansr in here

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coolbeans326 User avatar
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It's cuz they are going bankrupt. Poor Six Flags, they didn't know how to manage there money well. This is why you should never consider owning a themepark if you fail the objectives in any of the RCT series.

Post March 17th, 2004, 11:52 pm

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Are you kidding. It has nothing to do with alack of money, it's just an attempt to become one step coser to monopolization of theme parks in the U.S. They only want to focus on their U.S. development.

Post March 17th, 2004, 11:55 pm

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that post confuses me are you saying six flags is trying to become a monopoly?? :: looks around::

Post March 18th, 2004, 12:38 am

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Originally posted by e-man

Are you kidding. It has nothing to do with alack of money, it's just an attempt to become one step coser to monopolization of theme parks in the U.S. They only want to focus on their U.S. development.

No, hes right. They had to sell SFWoA because the park was just costing them money rather than making profit, and SF was going into debt.

Post March 18th, 2004, 8:49 am
gouldy User avatar
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HA, silly american people, lol, you wouldn't see tussauds going in to debt, HA![lol] lol. Hey and one little thing, going a bit off topic here, do they actually teach you americans anything in school?! the amount of times i see people on here getting the "there, their and they're" mixed up. heres an example "Poor Six Flags, they didn't know how to manage there money well." Its their you silly child, lol. Sorry for that outburst, i bet you knew that really didn't you ;).

Post March 18th, 2004, 10:03 am

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Originally posted by gouldy

HA, silly american people

good thing im a canadien[:)]

Post March 18th, 2004, 11:42 am

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im gonna have to agree with e-man. It seems a childish guess to say thier going backrupt. Im suprised you didnt say something like: Thier saving up money to build a brand new theme park [;)]

Post March 18th, 2004, 6:05 pm

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You know why? It's because their park management sucks. (Not including SFMM... that one is still run just fine.) They all build the exact same coasters, the coasters run at minimum efficiency, everything costs 3 times as much as at other parks, ($30 for a freakin fastpass, $3 for a bottle of coke while there are no water fountains in the parks at all, and $10 for parking), not to mention the vandalism, the line jumping, the staff that seem like they don't care, and the ride lines that seem to be stopped all day. It's no wonder guests are getting fed up with Six Flags. I went to 2 of their parks, rode the rides, and I will never go back again if i have my way. Cedar Fair has much better parks.

Post March 18th, 2004, 6:25 pm

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Originally posted by cjd

You know why? It's because their park management sucks. (Not including SFMM... that one is still run just fine.) They all build the exact same coasters, the coasters run at minimum efficiency, everything costs 3 times as much as at other parks, ($30 for a freakin fastpass, $3 for a bottle of coke while there are no water fountains in the parks at all, and $10 for parking), not to mention the vandalism, the line jumping, the staff that seem like they don't care, and the ride lines that seem to be stopped all day. It's no wonder guests are getting fed up with Six Flags. I went to 2 of their parks, rode the rides, and I will never go back again if i have my way. Cedar Fair has much better parks.

You just described Cedar Fair parks how can you say their parks are much better?

Post March 18th, 2004, 6:31 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Originally posted by screamomatic

Originally posted by gouldy

HA, silly american people

good thing im a canadien[:)]

Shows how much you know, it's Canadian. [lol]

Post March 18th, 2004, 6:40 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Originally posted by gouldy

HA!, silly american people, lol, you wouldn't see Tussauds going in to debt, HA![lol] lol {run on sentence}. Hey, and one little thing, going a bit off topic here, do they actually teach you Americans anything in school?! The amount of times i see people on here getting the words "there, their and they're" mixed up. heres an example, "Poor Six Flags, they didn't know how to manage there money well." It's their you silly child, lol. Sorry for that outburst, I bet you knew that really, didn't you? ;).

See the bold markings above? Those are corrections, strike-outs of unnecessary words and grammatical errors made in your post. Next time use proper grammar, punctuation, etc., before you attempt to make a whole ethnicity look bad. You just made your own look worse than us Americans.

Post March 18th, 2004, 6:43 pm

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Its true, theyre gonna build a new park. Theyre gonna let IAG build it.

Post March 18th, 2004, 7:11 pm

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yeah yeah! and i also hear dits was definitly confirmed by everyone ever Yeah! AND THEY WERE GONNA BUILD LIKE A 200,00FT ROCKET COASTER AND EVERYTHING! Oh man i cant wait

Post March 18th, 2004, 7:25 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Post March 18th, 2004, 8:30 pm

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Post March 19th, 2004, 2:24 am

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actually, yeah, six flags is going bankrupt. they dont seem to realize that they should spend money and CLAEN their parks rather than adding millions of dollars worth of rides each year.

Post March 19th, 2004, 2:39 am

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LOL at the Edge, he keeps joking and people keep believing him,
Example:SFMM is actually going to build a dueling 4th dimension coaster next to X and it will go 200mph with magnets.
Reply:Really, that's so cool, I knew they'd do that soon. That's why SFMM is so good.

Post March 23rd, 2004, 9:53 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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making fun of my lazyness, are ya's gouldy, this is why I live in America, so I can spell things wrong without the government getting mad at me. But yeah, they learn us good in the Sates of Americas.

Post March 26th, 2004, 6:08 pm

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lol, 200 mph 4th dimension coaster next 2 x...hahaha. that's about as bad as the rumor that cp was selling magnum lol

Post March 26th, 2004, 10:36 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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You mean people belived CP was selling magnum[lol][lol]


ps- why did arrow call X a 4-D coaster, when it isn't

Post March 27th, 2004, 7:07 am

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That where Paramount comes in they are actually trying to cleam up amd its doing them wonderful things go Paramount

Post March 27th, 2004, 5:20 pm
gouldy User avatar
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[lol] good come back by weeweeslap earlier, that was funny, and you are right, i suppose american people are better than english people. I mean for a start we're fatter than you are now, I think, its 4 out of 10 adults in england are over weight. We're lazy, well i am anyway. We invent the best sports, then get crap at playing them, and get humiliated by other countries because we're crap at sport. BUT, you know as well as I know, that mostly, on the whole english people are far more linguistic than americans, not me, lol, but most english people. Hahaha, isn't banter, good fun :D

Post March 27th, 2004, 10:48 pm

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(off topic) I heard of the news that 50% of Americans are over weight and like a few decades ago, people weren't very overweight, but in like 100 years from now like everybody will be overweight.

Post March 27th, 2004, 11:53 pm

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