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I need a script for a sliding door

Post your Nolimits 2 scripts here! Also any discussion regarding scription for NoLimits Coaster 2 should be placed in this forum

Post April 10th, 2020, 12:01 am

Posts: 45
Points on hand: 4,794.00 Points
Location: Hasselt, Belgium
In my new coaster I want to use a door that slides up, but I don't know how to script that. Can anyone help me please?

Post June 6th, 2020, 1:29 pm

Posts: 45
Points on hand: 4,794.00 Points
Location: Hasselt, Belgium
So, I suppose no one is capable to explain to me how to do this.

Post June 7th, 2020, 9:29 am

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Wishmaster wrote:
So, I suppose no one is capable to explain to me how to do this.

Bestdani's Instant Animations pack should help you. Instructions are on the page. ... animations

Post June 12th, 2020, 3:44 pm

Posts: 45
Points on hand: 4,794.00 Points
Location: Hasselt, Belgium

Post June 26th, 2020, 2:33 pm

Posts: 45
Points on hand: 4,794.00 Points
Location: Hasselt, Belgium
Going to try this again.

Does anyone know how to make a script that can make objects move. And I mean move when I want them to move, not when some preprogrammed standard script wants them to move because that won't work for my project.

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