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Say hi to the crowd of CoasterCrazians!

Post March 31st, 2024, 6:02 pm

Posts: 1
Points on hand: 22.00 Points
Location: Central California, USA
Hi Folks,

New member here - Coconut Steve.
I recently got a DOF Reality H3 (entry level motion simulator) and been having a blast with all the racing games, DiRT Rally 2 is my favorite right now. My Grandson enjoys the racing games but is too young and physically too small to fully enjoy them.
By chance, I found a video of some children enjoying the family motion sim doing a roller coaster. Did a little research and found that my H3 supports No Limits 2. Sweet must-buy!
Now, I'll never be able to create even a simple roller coaster, but going through the Exchange, I have been able to ride some amazing coasters. I truly appreciate all the creativity, technical expertise, time and patience that have gone into these projects. I like how the projects have been rated and am trying to download the Gold Award level tracks. I am still a novice and slowly learning how to tune the settings. I believe a SFU gearbox upgrade is now in order.
Meanwhile, the Grandson and I will enjoy the learning process and hopefully, will be able to present a different perspective on the coaster ratings.

Thank you
Got No Limits 2 and a DOF Reality H3 motion simulator, I'm a happy guy!

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