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Halo 2: November 9th

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Post November 4th, 2004, 3:57 pm
Oscar User avatar
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So who here is getting Halo2 on November 9? I am [:D] They have a bunch of ads for it her eon Spanish tv. Looks like it's going to be good especiually fighting for the evil side! [devilish]

Post November 4th, 2004, 4:00 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Was it me or was the first Halo the best game ever? I spent nearly 6 months almost solidy on that game completeing it on all the difficulty settigns then going through it again and again on legendary, my god the library, hours of fun every single time you play it. Anyway, I am going to be getting Halo2 when it comes out, I have pre ordered it, along with the closest thing on PS2, "Killzone". Both look amazing, but Halo2 looks as if its going to be the FPS to end all FPS's....until the next one comes out that is [lol] I think they'll both tide me over until the PSP comes out anyway, once I am the proud owner of a PSP, there will be no need for any other games, because I will just be admiring the PSP and showing off [lol]

Post November 4th, 2004, 4:48 pm

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I cannot wait until Halo 2! Halo 1 is the best game I've played, although it took me a while to buy it. I kept on playing my other games, getting more and more pointless ones, thinking Halo would be like a deformed version of James Bond. I'm glad about how incredible wrong I was. There weren't many problems at all with the game, other than how easy the ending was, but it was fun, so I didn't care about how easy it was. Also, many parts of the game took me a very long time to beat, so it really has a nice mix of fun and difficulty. Even when you try something 100 times in it, it stays fun.

Post November 5th, 2004, 3:16 am
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[lol] I still play it, I too have passed it on all levels. I like running over the convenant with the rover or whatever it's called [lol] They just go splat, the hunters pretty funny how they jump out of your way when trying to run them over [pshades]
I have not preordered mine, wont bother, I can wait till it's in the stores Nov 9th to get it. The tv ads here do make it look incredibly good.

Post November 5th, 2004, 7:52 am
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

I like running over the convenant with the rover or whatever it's called [lol] They just go splat

Warthog [:)]

I made a web page about all of the faults on Halo, stuff like ways you can stay in the pelicans (the things that fly you to some levels) at the start of the levels, so that you can fly away in the pelican and skip enitre levels and cause weird things like floating guns. I was also the warthog launching champion in october 2003 for the offical XBox magazine [:D] [lol], not that I'm showing off or nothing [;)]

Post November 7th, 2004, 12:34 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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my friend's brother's friend (doesn't that sound wierd?)
is the best haloer in the US, and he's having a Halo 2 party, how wierd is that?

Post November 7th, 2004, 4:13 pm

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Post November 7th, 2004, 4:30 pm

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Originally posted by thecool326

my friend's brother's friend (doesn't that sound wierd?)
is the best haloer in the US, and he's having a Halo 2 party, how wierd is that?

Pretty wierd! LOL [:X]
I got Shellshock Nam 67 (about 2 months ago) and this to me is the epitome of war games, but I need to look into Halo 1 or 2. I've heard so much about it I think it is worth a look, eh??

Post November 7th, 2004, 5:37 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^ it's more than worth a look. The game has one of the best stories you can find in a game, awsome graphics, and, it's a FPS. It's such a great game. I don't know any other FPS that's as good as this. Well, there's Call of Duty, but I think there's a better story in Halo.
edit - just got back from my friends house, and I was looking at Doom 3, and the demo to Need for Speed: Underground 2, and if the graphics are just as good as that, probably the same as Doom 3 (very, very graphical) then this game will be awsome, I think I'm gonna go start a New games topic, they have so many sequels coming out, it's like and eye orgasm or sumtin, I don't know.

Post November 7th, 2004, 5:54 pm

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ok guys, i watch gamespot's review of halo 2, plus i watched 25 gameplay movies, and this is the best FPS game, not CS and Half-Life 1 and 2

Post November 7th, 2004, 7:06 pm

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Originally posted by thecool326

my friend's brother's friend (doesn't that sound wierd?)
is the best haloer in the US, and he's having a Halo 2 party, how wierd is that?

whats his name and prove it

Post November 8th, 2004, 12:06 am

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There is no one person who can beat everyone.

Its not just a Worthog, Its a Puma. Or even a Chupathingy, has a ring to it. (If ever watch Red vs Blue, know what im talking about)

Halo 2 will be the bomb, Im skippin school, and will play from dawn till dusk. [:D] Im going to need lots of coffee. [:D]

Ive been waiting for almost two years and its finally here.

And Yes, tell us his name, his xb live name, so my bro and me and two friends can test him out.

Post November 8th, 2004, 12:23 am

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<--- Purchases imported coffee for masterchief's Halo 2 marathon ... LOL!

Post November 8th, 2004, 1:25 pm

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Post November 8th, 2004, 5:49 pm

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San Andreas Beat Halo 2 How, Halo 2 isnt even out yet, I just think you dont like Halo and xbox. Na, just kidding, you prob like halo but how can san andreas beat a game that isnt out yet.

Post November 8th, 2004, 7:51 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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I want to but I dont have X-Box. I am not sure if its on PC as well, but I have a mac anyway. Macsoft converted Halo 1 to mac, so I am hoping they do the same for 2.

Post November 8th, 2004, 8:57 pm

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well, if they put halo 2 to pc, it would be at least a year before it is put out.

Post November 8th, 2004, 9:37 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Its not already on it? Isnt the programming similar? They are both made by microsoft. Either way it'll be nice to raid my friends house and play [:)]

Post November 8th, 2004, 11:30 pm

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No, Halo 2 is most definitely not coming out on PC along with the XBox version...

And yeah, I'm like the rest of ya, I'm getting it. And will probably be going to many Halo parties in the next few weeks, LOL...

Post November 9th, 2004, 12:00 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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WEll, tomarrow, (since I don't have an xbox) I'm going with my friend to get the game, and then we're gonna finish off our history project, then play halo 2, we were practicing with halo 1 today. [lol] And we felt bad that no one will probably ever play halo one again after this one comes out, to bad.[:(] As for PC, I hope they come out with it as soon as I get a new video card wich could handle it, and allow me to play it in the way it was intended to play, instead of just models free from all of its shawdows, and gleem and crap.
whats his name and prove it

[lol] how can I prove it when I don't know the man? But I'm pretty sure my friends not lying when he says he is, if he gets pictures, he send em to me. But anyways, the dude tests games for a living (pretty cool job, huh?] and you get payed like 1k for every game you test, but you have to beat it, and write a report on it, and crap like that, so it's not all fun and games (no pun intended)[:D] But if he has an xbox live thing, like I'm sure he does, I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate me handing it out to random people. Maybe he'll own you on some random server, you never know.

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