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Photos from Iraq

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Post April 13th, 2004, 8:15 am

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I saw photos on T.V I hope pictures like this will spread around so that people will start thinking with their conscious instead of their greed. I also heard that the Americans administration is afraid of such pictures being spread around and anti-war resentiment might rise again. I'm fully aware that many innocent Iraqi civilians are being injured and killed by US bombs, and that's horrific. Honestly, thoughts like this plague me every day... I do not consider myself truly pro- or anti-war, but that does not make me indifferent.
I would advise anyone in here especially young and sensitive members if you go to these sites, are aware you are going to see dead people. ... people.php ... @.1dd56cad ... @.1dd57bb4 ... @.1dd576bc ... @.1dd57887

Post April 13th, 2004, 9:17 am

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piff, some of those pictures look crappy and fake, just like [lol] Welcome back Sam2. You missed a great debate on religion shame you wernt around.

My opinion on war...both sides in the war are being killed/killing each other, and frankly i couldnt care less. Am i suposed to feel sorry for some of these people? People who know that they could get killed and sign up to the army etc etc, Both British and American army that is. I really dont care if those people are going out and getting killed everyday. The only real victims as said by sam2 is the civilians in Iraq...and its too early in the morning for me to think. Go listen to some Rage Against The Machine then youll all be happy

Post April 13th, 2004, 5:55 pm

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Originally posted by The Edge

My opinion on war...both sides in the war are being killed/killing each other, and frankly i couldnt care less. Am i suposed to feel sorry for some of these people? People who know that they could get killed and sign up to the army etc etc, Both British and American army that is. I really dont care if those people are going out and getting killed everyday. The only real victims as said by sam2 is the civilians in Iraq...and its too early in the morning for me to think. Go listen to some Rage Against The Machine then youll all be happy

(I hope this doesn't start a war debate) The Edge, it is those ppl who fight for your country! If everybody sat around, not doing nothing in America or Britain, there would just be terrorism and all that other stuff! [oilwar]

Post April 13th, 2004, 6:00 pm

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Sorry for the double post...I just looked at those pics and there was a guy with his head in shreds!!! That was nasty!

Post April 13th, 2004, 6:04 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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most of those ppl in the pics are innocent[:O] thats crazy...and sad


Post April 13th, 2004, 7:45 pm

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Yea, that is really sad. I didn't cry over it, but it made me in shock. I didn't realize that ppl died like that overseas. I knew about it, but I didn't know how gruseome it was.

Post April 13th, 2004, 10:22 pm

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Of coars it's going to be grusome, its a war! Any ways, I think that it's bad that civilians are dying, but look at what the GAY iraqies do, they use civilians as human shields and stuff, so I think war is necisary to beat the crap out of terrorism. Stupid retards think they can beat the USA? what a bunch of stupid a**'s! Well edge, i could see why you wouldn't care, you live in the UK! Would you care about your country's solders?

Post April 13th, 2004, 10:45 pm

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LOL nitroman...That enligtened me just a little bit.

Post April 14th, 2004, 8:26 am

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Well actualy if you think about its America's fault most of this has happened. America declared war on Iraq and sent thousands of troops over there and they expect them not to go get killed. In fact if it wasnt for the governments we wouldnt even have war. Its fact that America and UK declared war for Oil and i think its ridiculous. I just find it all funny. I couldnt give a damn about a 10 year old kid in Iraq getting his head blown to shreds (although the pictures are clearly fake) in no way does it effect my life. I dont find the pictures shocking, what do you think happens in war, people die.

Post April 14th, 2004, 9:43 am

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Originally posted by NitroMan

look at what the GAY iraqies do, they use civilians as human shields and stuff, so I think war is necisary to beat the crap out of terrorism.

Um, the Iraqis have nothing to do with fact the Iraq war 1) diverted attention and resources away from the fight against terrorists and 2) gave a whole new generation of Middle Eastern people reason to hate America and strengthen the terrorist cause. If we were really interested in getting the people that funded 9/11, then we would go after Saudi Arabia, but since the Bush administration blacked out all the incriminating info before handing it over to the 9/11 commission, they can deny it. Saudi Arabia gives us more oil than any other country by the way.

You can see right in this thread how this kind of stuff is allowed to happen. To Americans, Iraq is like some far away, make-believe place. Yes, people are dying there, but we don't really like to think about it. It doesn't affect our lives. We are able to completely desensitize ourselves to any violence that is not an immediate threat to us. I do this as well, because when I think about it too long, it just makes me sick. We developed nations have acheived our high standards of living only through the inhumane exploitation of weaker countries. Iraq is just one of the latest examples of this.

Post April 14th, 2004, 11:36 am
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Saudi Arabia gives us more oil than any other country by the way.

What about Canada? Reason they do not blame Saudi Arabia is because they are a member of the OPEC and placing an accussation like that to the Saudis will cause the other OPEC countried to stop sale of oil to us thus making us suffer from super duper high prices of oil based products. Had the way been for oil, I would doubt the cheapest gas price in California would be above $2.10, which is the case now.
The Edge, it is those ppl who fight for your country!

They're not fighting for our country, they're fighting to help the citizens of another country.
most of those ppl in the pics are innocent thats crazy...and sad

That's publicity for you, show the damage they do to you. An evil person does not necessarily has to dress in black, have horns sticking out of his/her head and have an evil face on him/her all the time.
Um, the Iraqis have nothing to do with terrorism

They sure seem to terrorise the curds with gassings. But then again, this war on terrorism was to fight off the people terrorizing Americans, not other people.
Meh, gotta go to bank, I'll see replies later.

Post April 14th, 2004, 12:15 pm

Posts: 185
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Location: Cleveland, OH, USA
My bad, I meant Saudi Arabia was the biggest Middle Eastern oil provider. And yes, I was referring to terrorism against America, as there are many countries who terrorize their own civilians or those of their neighbors. Whether we have the responsibility or even the capability to stop this kind of terrorism, I don't know.

Speaking of the Curds, we knew about all the horrible things Saddam was doing back in 1991, but we didn't do a thing. It is truly ridiculous that the war was painted as some kind of humanitarian mission to free Iraqis, as we could have done it years ago, but chose not to.

I also heard that the Americans administration is afraid of such pictures being spread around and anti-war resentiment might rise again.

This is entirely true. The popular media has backed the war in Iraq completely, and showed the bombing of Baghdad like it was a forth of July parade. What is amazing to me is how fast these people operate - the day of 9/11, several news stations included footage of what they said were Iraqi children celebrating the fall of the World Trade Center. It turned out later that the video had been taped months before and had nothing to do with the attacks. Since the war, I have began getting my news from international sources, and it quickly becomes apparent that there is a definate bias to the news that 95% of Americans rely on. It is very troubling.

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