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Post April 8th, 2004, 8:16 pm

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Post April 8th, 2004, 8:38 pm

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They are mad because gerge and his war loving self got war on iraq. [oilwar]

Post April 8th, 2004, 11:30 pm

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iraq had nothing to do w/ 911 lol. actually, i belive that the men were saudi's who trained in afghanistan, then left from egypt to france, then from paris to london, then to boston, then to nyc. i may have gotten my stops wrong, but they had quite a journey to get here. not to mention that probably 90 percent of the people in the middle east are peaceful. people dont like them that much because all we hear about are these small radical groups that occasionally injure one soldire.

also, that whole area has been mad at the usa, and i can understand why. we backed israel for one. and we left afghanistan to fend for itself after they got away from russia. we've helped a lot over there, but we seem to have a tendancy to back out at the wrong times.

not to mention bush's whole raid on iraq. i wont even go into how much i want that man out of office. hell, he's not even in office, he lost the election! at the moment, we have an incompetant governor pretending he's president. okay, i'll stop now before i end up insulting someone [:)]

Post April 9th, 2004, 2:52 am
Oscar User avatar
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people dont like them that much because all we hear about are these small radical groups that occasionally injure one soldire.

You should hear the news daily. Then you'll see it's not one soldier occassionally

and we left afghanistan to fend for itself after they got away from russia. we've helped a lot over there, but we seem to have a tendancy to back out at the wrong times.

It wasn't our war to begin with, we went to hyelp off the people that were worse off. We left afterwards cuz what we got what we wanted, Russia away from Afghanistan, why should we have stayed to help? If not they should be grateful we went in to save them from the Russians

not to mention bush's whole raid on iraq. i wont even go into how much i want that man out of office. hell, he's not even in office, he lost the election! at the moment, we have an incompetant governor pretending he's president. okay, i'll stop now before i end up insulting someone [:)]

I agree. His brother threw in a hand to make the judge not count those votes that were more than enough for Gore to win back in Florida. Stupid argument about them being illegitimate cuz people couldn't punch the hole right. Sure people made mistakes and because of that rather than counting some of the mistaken ones, we should then counted all of them.

Post April 9th, 2004, 11:27 am

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Not to mention the company that makes the voting machiines are one of the biggest donors to the Bush campaign... Am I crazy, or should the election process be handled by a neutral party!?![:(!]
I think America is spinning out of control. The last election was a fiasco, our "anti-terrorism" efforts are just pissing off the terrorists even more and adding to their cause, and we broke two major rules with the Iraq war. First of all, we acted against the U.N., which is supposed to represent the whole world. Some "democratic" decision that was. Second, we started a pre-emptive war. Does anyone realize how serious that is? Until now, wars were only started when one country directly attacked another, but this time, we started bombing the hell out of Iraq before they did a single thing to us. No ties were ever found between Iraq and 9/11, ties were found with Saudi Arabia, but covered up, and no WMD's were found. Even now, soldiers are continuing to die for a war that did not need to happen. It is not hard for me to see why the Middle East hates America, or why many Iraqis are fighting our occupation of their country.

Post April 15th, 2004, 10:13 pm

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Most likely we are fighting for all the oil over there. We would have been out and gone months ago if:

a) Greenpeace would let us drill for oil in East Jesus Alaska where no one ever even sets foot but that would be ruining the preservations and because Greenpeace is always right (especially about the cow burping thing) we should go forth with every effort to get our oil from the Middle East. Funny because I thought Greenpeace was anti-war yet they constantly provoke it by sacrificing their lives for "sacred land" of nothing!

AND / OR (however you portray it)

b) The oil lobbyists in Washington wouldn't do everything in every oil worker and their mother's status at hand. (No offense to oil workers) We have wasted the past 20 years in Hydrogen, solar, and even Water powered energy because oil lobbyists from Reagan to Bush W. shove it aside and keep on oil. It seems in recent year the hybrid gas/electric cars are gaining popularity, but think about it...if we utilized time and gained knowledge on the technology behind other forms of energy we wouldn't be in Iraq trying to secure our oil demands for future use.


Although Bush W. doesn't always make good decisions...let me rephrase that...Just because Bush W. doesn't make good decisions does NOT mean that we would be much better off now. In fact, studies have proved that 9/11 would have still occured, (and its BS if you say thats a lie) we'd be laughed at trying to shake hands with everybody, and instead of ATTEMPTING to secure the domestic tranquility and all that president duty jazz, we'd be spending the tax returns on environmental efficient toilets, lockboxes, and cow exasperators (Greenpeace).


Regardless of Gore's declared recounts and the Florida crap, that would only be for the Popular Vote which in retrospect means nothing to the choice. The Electoral College truly elects the President and the Dimpled Chads and Butterfly Ballots EMBARASSMENT to America would have never took place if people would just stop whining and complaining and get up off their fat a** and do something! So you hate Bush...instead of screamin at the TV and whining to friends STOP B****ING AND YOU F***ING RUN FOR PRESIDENT!

Okay...after all that ranting I have surely insulted someone and don't bother e-mailing me because I will just laugh in your face.

I am free of any and all accusations from stupid people (minus the staff who is not stupid [;)]) because I am confessing that I am not racist, not sexist, not a politicalist, nor a theologist, I JUST HATE EVERYONE! [lol] Being bitter is so fun [8D]

Thank you for your time. [dorkhat]

If the Staff deem this inappropriate please do with it what you wish [:D]

Post April 15th, 2004, 10:30 pm

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lol.. nice post, but i have to tell ya, that drilling for oil does disrupt the environment quite a bit. but im not against it for that reason. i'm against the alaska oil drilling because if we drill for oil in alaska, it will only further put off the resarch on alternative fuels. we dont have too much longer left with oil. and we need to start looking at other options. if we drilled in alaska, we'd just be putting it off more and then we'll really be screwed in 50 years!

Post April 15th, 2004, 11:59 pm
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They will put off research for alternate fuels anyway because alternate fuels don't bring in the dough like oil does.

Elfman, I'm on sort of the same page as you, as in I HATE EVERYONE TOO!

Post April 16th, 2004, 7:22 am

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so true. this country is so pathetic. oil will run out sometime! but the good old bush dictatorship doesnt seem to realize that.

Post April 16th, 2004, 11:50 am

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Location: Cleveland, OH, USA
Okay, let me just point something out. The disputed land in Alaska is a wilderness preserve. It was set aside for that purpose only. So why the %&@*# does anyone think its okay that we should be able to drill there? We have @#*$ed up so much of the planet, and now we can't even leave frickin' northern Alsaka alone. It may seem like a wasteland to you, but that land is tied to the major plankton cycle of the northern seas, which provides more oxygen and sucks up more carbon dioxide than any other area of the world.
In addition, even if you use the highest estimates of available oil there, it would be enough to supply us for about a month at most. Some estimates say 2 days. Is one month really worth shitting all over one of the last untouched areas of the planet?

We have had the technology for alternative fuel sources for decades. In case you haven't noticed, the oil industry is the most powerful industry in the world, and they will not allow any competition as long as they can squeeze out as much money as they can. The new hybrid cars are great, but we could have built them in the 80's for God's sake. Basically all they do is charge up a battery from brake friction. We need to look more into nuclear and solar energy IMO. Unfortunately, this will probably not happen for another 30 years or so when the oil runs out.[flush]

Post April 17th, 2004, 1:34 am

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supposedly the best new energy source is hydrogen. the only by-product is drinkable water! and solar power takes up too much space, and nuclear power is too dangerous. i like the electric car idea, but guess what! we get electricity bu burning fossil fuels like coal. but the problem with hydrogen is that we'd litterally be adding water to the air so in a hundred years or so, the world would be rather foggy. but hey, fog is better than smog [;)]

Post April 17th, 2004, 10:48 pm

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Location: Saint Louis, MO, USA
Here is my last rant on this and it is final in this topic that has gotten way off...

From Spanish To War...

Anyway...I say we leave Iraq and create Lake America where the present Iraq is now. I know it wouldn't be a good outcome and we'd just piss off even more people but seriously who the f*** cares anymore?

Saw that in an e-mail attachment around 9/11 except Lake America was portrayed in Afghanistan. [lol]


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